29 - Scroll

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Aiden smirks at the back of Scott's head. The power he had over Scott was something he enjoyed greatly. The ride up the elevator with all four of us was awkward enough, but when Aiden placed his arm over my shoulder, the tension in the small increased by fifty percent. Aiden knew exactly what he was doing the whole way up and as we stand in front of the apartment door to the Argent's. 

Scott quickly rushed out of the elevator when we reached their floor and banged on the door. He, no doubt, wanted to get away from the two of us. 

The door to their apartment swings open and Allison immediately starts to talk as she leads us inside. "My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a Federal Lockup by armored car tonight." 

Ethan follows behind us, making sure to shut the door. We follow her down the hallway towards where Lydia is standing in the doorway of another room.

"Probably within the next few hours." Allison continues to explain. She comes to a stop and stands beside Lydia. 

"We're going to rob an armored car?"

Lydia gives off an unsure look, "Well, we're going to try." She presses her lips together before stepping back into the room. 

Aiden and Ethan give me a look and I simply shrug my shoulders while following the others into the room. They know I would do anything for Stiles. As crazy as this may sound, this is one of those things listed under 'anything I would do for Stiles'. 

"This is a really bad plan." Scott concludes standing around the desk with Allison. This must be Chris' study. 

"It's not that bad." Lydia tries to convince everyone. 

I shake my head and sit down on the arm of the couch that Ethan sat in. "It's not that good." I remind her, watching Aiden pace around the room. 

"None of us know which route they are going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car then we can follow it." Lydia stands in front of the desk, but careful not to block my view of the map.

Allison points at a specific point on the map. "So, when it gets here-"

"We attack them?" Ethan interrupts.

I crane my head down to glare at him. However, Lydia responds with annoyance laced in her voice before I can. "No." Lydia tilts her head to the side. "Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident and when the driver gets out to help-"

"We attack him." Ethan states.

Simultaneously, Lydia, Allison, and myself shout at him, "No!" 

"You'll distract him and Scott will break open the back door." Lydia continues to explain how this whole plan is going to work. 

Scott seems caught off guard by the attention from all of us. A worried and doubting look spreads across his face. "I hope."

"And you'll get Katashi's finger." Lydia nods her head at Aiden.

His eyes widen, like saucers. "It's not his actual finger, is it?"

"You are so out of our league." Lydia mumbles to herself. 

Aiden directs his attention to Scott. "Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?"

I stand up from the chair and walk up to the corner of the desk between Aiden and Lydia. "Because if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence." I explain to Aiden before Scott can get the chance to.

"Guys, this is going to work. We can do this." Allison attempts to reassure not only us, but herself as well. "We're losing Stiles. My dad's in jail for murder. We need to do this." 

I lean up against the desk. "Allison's right." I nod my head, meeting everyone's gaze. "Too many people are relying on us getting this scroll. We can do this. We've done worse before." 

Aiden chuckles beside me, "Oh, yeah. What's robbing an armored car any different?"


"You have the eyes of an Alpha, but where's the strength?" Katashi asks after repeatedly kicking Scott in the stomach and crouching down beside him.

Our plan went a little off key. Katashi ended up being at the station by the armored car to take the finger with the scroll inside of it. Something that none of us had planned. I wince at every kick delivered to Scott as I walk out on the balcony of the building connected to the sheriff's station with the twins.

"Up here." I call out to Katashi.

Katashi angles his head upwards to see the three of us. The twin growl simultaneously before swinging themselves over the railing. The land gracefully on the ground down below. I wait until they are fighting against Katashi to jump down, as well. The three of us agreed that they would fight against Katashi and I would stay out of the way. The only reason I agreed is because my fighting skills still need a lot of work and Katashi was a big guy.

I land on the cement in a crouched position next to Scott. "Come on, get up." I grab his hand and help him stand. 

Lydia races over to Allison, who had been thrown into a brick wall. Scott places a bit of his weight on me as I lead him towards the brick wall beside the girls and Kira. Aiden and Ethan continue to beat the crap out of Katashi, effortlessly working together like they do best. 

"Chloe, no-" Scott starts to shout when he realizes what I'm about to do before I even do it. He doesn't want me to place myself between the twins. He doesn't trust them like I do. I know that they would never hurt me. 

"Ethan, Aiden, stop!" I sprint forward when they toss Katashi to the ground. I easily slide across the slick ground and stand in front of the roughly beaten man. I hold both of my hands out to stop them when they spin around to attack him again. Both of them step back, quietly growling with their fangs. "Enough!" 

Aiden angrily points at the man behind me. "You want him to come after us?" He stares back at me with his nostrils flaring. 

"Chloe, we've seen guys like this. Trust us, he's dangerous." Ethan nods his head at Katashi, who is slowly sitting up behind me. 

I cross my arms over my chest, hiding how surprised I am when Scott moves to stand beside me. The two of us may be having our problems at the moment, but it's refreshing to know that we still think alike on certain things. If we didn't always have this awkward tension between us, we could be a great duo of Alphas.

"So are we." I remind the twins. I nod my head at the bloody face man as the two of us move to stand on the side instead of in front of him. "And he looks smart enough to remember that." I reach into Katashi's pocket on his jacket and grab the silver finger. I shake the opening towards my open palm until a tiny scroll falls out. 

"We're here to save a life." Scott holds his hand out to take the scroll.

I hand it over while locking eyes with the twins. "Not end one."


Decided to end this chapter here. I could go on, but I really don't feel like it. There are four episodes left to this story. The end is almost here. 

I've realized that A LOT of you want her to end up with Scott again. Honestly, I don't know if that's going to happen or not. When I write, I just go with how the character is feeling in that moment. I have a possibly plan, but I'm not sure how you guys would feel about it. So, we're just going to see how it goes.

The next episode is mainly about the flashback of the internment camp. Not sure how that chapter will go because I don't need to do the flashback. But, that's also the part where everyone runs into Void Stiles at Derek's loft. Who knows how that will go down...

Question: How do you think Void Stiles will react to Chloe?

So, yeah!

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