23 - Power Surge

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Aiden and I found seats near the window and decided to wait until Stiles' testing was done. I had already calmed down from yelling at Scott. Now, I was just worried for my best friend. If Stiles really does have that form of dementia then I will do everything in my power to save him. I refuse to lose him. 

My head begins to droop to the side. A yawn slips between my lips as the side of my head finds its way to Aiden's shoulder. No one knew how long the MRI would last for. From the time on my phone, thirty five minutes has already passed. Before I can shut my eyes, the entire hospital goes pitch black for a good thirty seconds. Aiden and I abruptly sit up, surprised by the sudden darkness. 

The lights flicker back on. Doctors and nurses swiftly move around the hospital to try to figure out what happened and check on patients. 

"What was that?" Aiden sits up a little straighter.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "Kind of seemed like a power surge."

"Where's my son?!"  Mr. Stilinski shouts from the room he was in to watch Stiles get tested. 

The blood in my veins runs cold. I jump up from the seat and race to the room. Bursting through the door, I see Mr. Stilinski on the verge of a breakdown and the doctor appearing mystified. Aiden races into the room behind me. I spin around a full one hundred and eighty degrees to gaze into the testing room. 

"Stiles?" I gasp when I see the empty room. Where the hell did he go?  I drop my voice to a low whisper. "Do you still have his scent?" 

Aiden simply nods. 

I grab his arm while leading him out of the room. "Let's go." 

We weave through frantic nurses to the stairs. The thought of going down the elevator sounds like a horrible idea just in case there is another power surge. Stiles' scent leads us all the way down to the emergency room of the hospital. The nurses in the emergency room are freaking out more than they were upstairs. 


My brother's voice rings through my ears. He sounds terrified. I burst through the hospital doors, concerned for my own brother. The sight outside in the hospital parking lot has my blood run cold. A fire hydrant in front of the hospital is spraying water everywhere from where the front of a car collided into it. Water is flooding every inch of the parking lot. An ambulance crashed on one side of the parking lot with an EMT laying on the ground beside it. Aiden runs close behind me.

That's when I spot the electrical wire spiraling through the air. The water is electrocuting everyone that steps into it. Oddly enough, Kira is standing in the middle of the water, unaffected by all of it. 

A loud, earsplitting scream erupts through the air when I see my brother laying face down in the middle of the water. My stomach does flips in my body as I sprint towards the scene. "Isaac!" 

Aiden reacts quickly by wrapping his arms around my torso and yanking me away before I can run into the water. "Chloe, don't!" 

"No!" I scream and pound into his arms with my fist. I struggle in his grasp. "Isaac!" 

My brother lays motionless. I scream louder, fearing the worst. It doesn't even look like he is breathing.  Aiden holds me tightly against his body to keep me from breaking out of his arms. I thrash my arms around, determined to reach my brother. He has to be okay. He has to be. 

I don't think twice about slamming my elbow back into Aiden's stomach. The force of my elbow is enough for him to lose his grip on me. I take that lack of restraint and break free of his arms. 

"Chloe, no!" Aiden shouts, fearfully.

I know that the water will most likely kill me, but Isaac is more important right now. My sneaker splashes in the water and I instantly feel electricity soar through my body from my body. I scream out in pain, but keep running towards my brother. The pain is excruciating and my vision starts to blur by the time I reach Isaac. 

Using my supernatural strength, I manage to pick Isaac up a bit and move him onto grass and away from the water. I collapse on the ground beside his motionless body. Electricity radiates all through my body, sending red hot pain everywhere. It's hard to catch my breath. 

 I barely see Aiden run up to me and fall down on his knees. He rolls me over on my back. My vision continues to go black before returning, but appearing to be blurry. I blink my eyes, only to see four versions of Aiden hovering over me. His lips are moving, like he is calling out my name, but I only hear a loud ringing noise in my ears. 

Aiden's hands move over my face before he cups my cheeks. "Her heartbeat is slowing. Guys, her heartbeat is slowing!"

"Isaac..." I breathe before everything goes to black.


This is a shorter chapter than I wanted it to be, but it leaves on a cliffhanger. I really love cliffhangers. Although, I know you guys hate them. Oh well!

Aiden is so worried about Chloe right now. It's actually quite cute.

Stiles is missing. Chloe is worried. Chloe is going to be quite worried about Stiles for the rest of this season. I really like the friendship they have. I've noticed that people have started to ship Stiles and Chloe together. You guys do realize that in the very beginning of this whole series, I highly considered making Chloe end up with Stiles instead? Like, I almost did that.

Some of you have started to ship her with Aiden, too. 

Some of you can't decide who you ship her with. 

Some want her back with Scott. 

I'm curious to know who you guys will want her with as the story goes on. As the plot thickens.

Question: Do you want Chloe to get back together with Scott or end up with someone else? Why?

So, yeah!

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