26 - Bomb

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The three of us surge forwards in the direction that the track team is supposedly running today. Coach decided to take them to the Beacon Hills Preserve instead of practicing on the school's track. I race alongside Aiden and Stiles, although Stiles is a bit slower than the two of us. Scott raced ahead to find Kira and Ethan went to find Danny before either of them could get hurt. 

By the time we reach Coach with a stopwatch in hand, we can see that everyone has circled back around after running their rounds. Something in Stiles snaps and he races past the two of us, throwing his arms up to stop everyone from running past a certain point. 

"Scott!" Stiles shouts at Scott, who was in the lead of everyone else. "Stop, stop, stop! Everyone, stop!" He throws his arms out to keep everyone from getting too close. He would be the one to know where the Nogistune planted the steel jawed traps. 

Aiden throws an arm up to keep me from moving any closer. The two of them share a look before watching Stiles move around the small area with extreme caution. He glides across the dead leaves on the ground and stops. Pushing some of the leaves away, Stiles discovers a length of chain hidden on the ground. He carefully picks the chain up until it ends and it, surprisingly, doesn't lead to a trap. 

Coach sarcastically begins to clap his hands together. "Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain." He moves across the small clearing, clearly annoyed. "Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?" 

"Hey, Coach!" Scott yells, pointing to a wire on the ground.

Coach triggers the wire with his legs, which shoots off an arrow that was loaded somewhere in the trees. The arrow soars through the air and lodges itself in Coach's chest. He visibly gulps at the arrow sticking out of his chest with blood soaking through his shirt around the wound. "Oh, crap." He mutters before collapsing backwards on the ground. 

I race forward, yelling at the other students and drop down to my knees beside Coach. "Somebody call an ambulance!"

The rest of my friends drop down to the ground beside me, each reaching out to help Coach. My hands instantly wrap around the arrow to put pressure on the wound. Coach's blood sticks to my hands. 

"Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" Coach screeches into the air.

Stiles' hands cover over my own to apply more pressure. Stiles didn't do this, it was the Nogistune. I continue to repeat that over in my head. 

"Oh, my God! I'm gonna die!" Coach yells above everyone else. 

The rest of the students creep closer, confused and worried. I glance over my shoulder to see them whispering about what just happened. How are we supposed to explain any of this to the police? 

"Coach, you're not going to die." Aiden raises his voice. He reaches out to hold Coach down while he squirms around on the ground. 

"I'm gonna die!"

I press down more on his wound, finding it harder to keep ahold of him while he is moving. "It will hurt less if you stop moving, Coach!" 

"Get that thing out of me!"

"Stay still, Coach." Scott holds part of his body down. "An ambulance is coming." 

On cue, the sound of an ambulance echoes throughout the Preserve. The loud noise makes me flinch in surprise. If only they would get here faster. 

"Get it out!" Coach twists around on the ground in pain. "I'm gonna die!"

"Get back! Get back!" Aiden shouts at the circle forming around us. He waves his arms around for them to move away. "Give him some room! Get back!"

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