21 - Stench

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"Stiles?!" I shout, despite the fact that we are in Eichen House with several patients on the floors above me. My last concern is bothering the other patients. My best friend is missing and all I care about is finding him. I race down the next set of stairs, closely followed by the rest of my friends, Scott, and Sheriff Stilinski. "Stiles?"

At the end of the hallway, a single door is located. I push myself to run faster. My heart beats erratically in my chest. My worst fear is that we will find Stiles dead. I can feel my heart shattering just at the thought of that. 

Scott had brought Sheriff Stilinski along with quite a few deputies to Eichen House. They were the only way we were legally going to be able to get inside. Sheriff Stilinski threw down his authority and was able to grant us access to the basement, where Lydia was sure Stiles was. Stiles was right about it being cold down here. It felt as if the heat didn't reach down here. 

I burst through the door that leads down to the rest of the basement. A small set of stairs brings you down to the floor level. "Stiles?"

"Stiles?!" Lydia races in behind me. 

Everyone spreads out in the small room, searching for the brown eyed boy. I move to the furthest part of the room, a furnace catching my eye. There's the furnace Stiles was talking about. I switch to my hybrid eyes and scan the room for Stiles. Sadly, there's only us in the basement. Stiles is nowhere to be found. 

Sheriff Stilinski waltz up to Lydia, defeated. "Lydia?"

Lydia wildly looks around the room, confused as to how she could be wrong about this. "I don't get it. This has to be it."

Something in Sheriff Stilinski cracks and he proceeds to start shouting at Lydia, "Then where is he, huh? Where is he? Where is he?!" 

Instinctively, I jump in front of Lydia to separate the two of them. I don't know where the idea to do this came from, but I didn't want to see her get hurt because he's scared about where Stiles could be. We're all scared here. We don't have time to take out our anger of Stiles not being here on each other. 

Sheriff Stilinski blinks twice and steps back, like he is realizing he just blew up. He runs a hand over his face. "I'm sorry." 

Lydia watches him storm out of the basement. "I don't understand."

I whirl around and place my right hand on Lydia's shoulder. "It's okay. We'll find him."

"I-I-" Lydia tries to find the right words to say. The look in her eyes shows that she was so sure that Stiles was here. She sounded so determined when she figured out what the voices were saying. There's a part of her that knew Stiles was here. 

I pull Lydia in for a hug. The two of us cling to each other, desperately. Stiles means a lot to the both of us. I can't lose him. I can't lose my best friend. 

Aiden nods his head towards the door, motioning that we need to head back upstairs. We are on limited time to find Stiles. It's already freezing outside. If he's somewhere in Beacon Hills, then there's a good chance that he could get hypothermia before we find him. Lydia and I part before heading back towards the first floor of Eichen House.

"Scott," I address the boy behind us. I spin around to let Aiden continue to lead me through the lobby of Eichen House while I talk to Scott. "What did Stiles say on the phone?"

"We've already gone over this." 

I huff in annoyance, "I know this, but we need to go over everything that Stiles said to us in order to find him. Maybe he said something else that we simply looked over."

The cold air is like a slap to the face once we step out of the double doors. Scott falls into step alongside of us as we make our way out of the gates. Sheriff Stilinski is talking to one of the deputies in attempt to find more information on where Stiles could be. This must be a parent's greatest fear; to have their child go missing.

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