SUGAR?!? Part 2

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Third Person

"We. Are. Doomed" Damian said

"You bafoons!" Tim yelled

"What's the matter Tim?" Dick asked

"Nothing Dick! Um... We just, um, want to watch a movie, right guys?" Jason thought up quickly elbowing the two

"Yeah totally Todd" Damian said

"Sure" Tim growled

Really?!?" Dick said excitedly "You guys never want to watch a movie with me!"

"Guys, why does Dick seem more....excited.... Then usual?" Tim asked a little scared

"Todd, *gulp* I think the sugar is starting to kick in" Damian said backing away from Dick

"Every teen for themselves!" Jason yelled then ran it

W-where a-are you guys going?" Dick stuttered creepily "Oh I-I get it! We're p-playing hide and don't scream, ok I'll count to twenty....1.....2....3..." Tim and Damian ran for it

"Twenty!" Dick cackled creepily "I'm coming to get you~"

So with Dick scaring the boys half to death, one of them was a little smart...

"Ollie!" Tim yelled into the phone

"What's the matter Tim?" Ollie asked annoyed

"DamianAndJasonSetUpATrapForDickToHaveSugarToMakeBruceCrazyMadButHeHadToLeaveAndNowDickIsOnTheLoseAnd HELP!!!!!" Tim yelled

"Calm down,you sound worse then Wally when Dick had waaaay too much sugar, now say it again but slower ok?" Ollie said trying to calm Tim down

"Damian and Jason gave Dick too much sugar and Bruce had to go to an emergency meeting with Alfred" Tim explained

"Tiiiiiiim~" Dick called "Come here Tim~"

"HELP!!!" Tim yelled

"I'll be right there with back up!" Ollie said before hanging up

"NO DONT LEAVE ME!!!" Tim whisper-yelled so Dick wouldn't hear

"Tim~" Dick's voice got closer and closer to Tim until he was in the room Tim was in "I don't want to hurt ya"

Tim's heart pounded so hard. They were both in Jason's bedroom and Tim was hiding under the bed

"Are you!" Dick yelled opening the closest very fast "No not there... Ah how about here!" He kept doing this and Tim was trying to figure out a plan how to escape when-

"Maybe your under the bed!" Dick said cackling

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Tim screamed and then passed out from the scariness

"One down, two to go" Dick said after he tied up Tim in his room

So Jason was in the kitchen grabbing cookies until he heard Tim's blood hurdling scream

"That's my queue" Jason muttered to himself and ran to into the BatCave. He went to where everyone's costumes were and entered in a password he 'borrowed' from Bruce to get into one of the many BatSuits. He went into the cylinder like case and stood behind the suit, munching on Alfred's famous do not touch cookies.

Meanwhile with Dick :

He was searching for Jason, because he wanted to save Damian for last, and he knew he had been in the kitchen because all the cookies were gone! This made him a little cranky.

"JASON!!! IM COMING FOR YOU!!!" Dick screamed

"Shit" Jason muttered (A/N : sorry for the cussing)

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