You Idoits

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Dick's POV
Third Person

"YOU ALL ARE IDOITS!" Dick yelled.

"What's the matter Grayson, are you gonna help us or not" Damian


"Dick you need to help us then" Tim said

"I'm out, I'm not getting in trouble again" Jason said but before he could get out of the room, Dick grabbed him

"You are not leaving this house until this is cleaned up" Dick said angrily "Bruce is going to kill us if we don't fix the room, and every other room that is dirty, got that?"

"Yes" the three boys said

After 30 min. Of cleaning....

"Dick" Bruce yelled "Are you home?"

"Yeah, dad I'll be right down" Dick yelled from upstairs

I'm done for. I'm dead. Dad is going to kill us

"Ok here's the plan, you guys will clean up as much as you can and I will stall dad, got that?" Dick whispered to the boys

"Got it" they said

Well just don't lie. If I lie we're doooomed and that's not good. He can tell if I'm lying

Dick came down the stairs

"Dick where are the boys?" Bruce asked

"They're upstairs" Dick answered

"What are they doing?"

"Um, I'm not sure" Dick lied

"Would you check on them-"

"Yes" and Dick started up the stairs but..

"-Dick wait, I'll go check on them" Bruce said

Oh. No

"Dick to Jason" Dick said though his comm

"What?" Jason said

"Get out of that room Bruce is coming" Dick said worried

"Oh no, Damian Tim let's go" and with that Dick turned off his comm

"Tim, Jason, Damian" Bruce called

"Yes dad" Tim called back

"Drake!" Jason and Damian whispered

"What?" Tim whispered

"Where are you guys?" Bruce called

"We're in, um, Jason's room" Tim said just then Bruce came in

"What are you boys doing?" Bruce asked

"Um, nothing?" Jason said as a question

"What do you mean nothing?" Bruce asked

"Father, we are not doing anything bad all Tim and I are doing is annoying Jason" Damian lied, Bruce could tell he was lying (Bruce knows if his boys are lying)

"What were you boys doing?" Bruce questioned angry

"Um, um" Jason tried to say, but he was too afraid to speak

"Ugh, we were cleaning your room father-but Dick told us to *whispers* stupid freaking Dick" Damian said. Bruce went to see his room

"Thanks" Bruce said and he went downstairs to thank Dick for cleaning his room with the boys


"We are so lucky he didn't step in that room" Jason said

"We would have been dead if that happened" Tim said

"I have one question, who's gonna take it down Todd?" Damian asked

"Oh, no, we need to get that down before dad walks in there" Tim said worried

"Dick!" Jason yelled

What do they want now?

"What?" Dick said

"I need you" Jason called

"I'm coming" Dick said

Goes upstairs....

"What?" Dick asked annoyed

"Remember the trap?" Jason asked

Oh no

"Yes, why?" Dick asked

"Because we still didn't get the water bucket down and whoever steps though that door will get soaked" Damian continued

You blubbering idiots

"Well I can open the door enough for Damian to get in without getting wet" Dick explained

"Nope, no way I'm taking that chance" Damian hissed

"Well too bad" the three older brothers said. And with that they did they're plan

"Is it down" Tim asked bored

"Yes" Damian answered

"Let's go" Jason whined

Fine, here" Dick said giving Jason the bucket

"No more need to worry" Dick said

"Worry about what?" Bruce asked

"WeMadeATrapButDickStopedUsAndWeTookItDown, go to go bye!" Tim said

"Not so fast" Bruce said in a very deep voice

"You weren't suppose to tell him" Damian said with a face palm

"You idiots" Dick said

And on that note thanks so much for voting, commenting, reviewing, and just reading, btw no pressure, and thanks so much I read all my comments And I will see you in the next chapter bye bye! (I just had to, if you get that reference)
Words : 693

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