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Dick's POV
Third Person

Dick came home mumbling angry words...

"Hey, do you know where Damian is?" Dick asked his father

"I'm sure he's upstairs ether trying to kill Tim or annoying Jason" Bruce answered

"Thanks" Dick said then went upstairs

"Damian!" Dick called

"What?" Damian called back

"I need you" Dick said "where are you?"

"I'm busy in my room" Damian said, of course Dick went in, Tim was tied up and Damian was on his back holding a knife

"Damian!" Dick yelled


"You know what dad says about killing your siblings"

"Fine" Damian then untied Tim and gave the knife to Dick

"Now, put on some cloths and a pair of sunglasses or your Robin suit" Dick said

"Robin suit" Damian answered, so Damian and Dick put on they're uniforms

"Now, you must called me-" Dick was cut off

"By Nightwing, like on patrol, right?" Damian said

"Right and you'll be called by Robin, no identity, got that?"


"Aright, let's go" and they went to the ZETA Tubes, to Mount Justice

"Hey guys" Nightwing said

"Hey Nightwing" Megan said

"Oh, who's this?" Zatanna asked

"Oh, my little brother" Nightwing said

"He's.... Adorable" Conner said rolling his eyes

"Let me guess Robin right?" Artemis asked

"Yes" Robim said shyly and then went behind his brothers leg

"Awwwwww" the girls said

"He's too cute!" Megan said

After a lot of talking Dick took Damian back home

"And where were you?" Bruce asked

"Umm, nowhere father?" Damian questioned

"Dick?" Bruce asked Dick who was still smiling

"Oh, I was at Mount Justice" Dick said

"And Damian was?" Bruce continued

"No idea" Dick said "oh, wait yeah he went to the ZETA Tubes with me and just waited for me"

"Is this true Damian" Bruce asked

"Yes" Damian lied. And the boys when upstairs but Damian didn't go in his room he tried to go in Dick's room

"Dick, let me in!" Damian yelled

"Why?" Dick asked

"Because we need to talk" and when Damian said that Dick opened the door and Damian fell to his knees (he was pushing the door)

"Get up" Dick said and Damian did so and when he was in Dick's room Dick closed the door

"Why did you lie?" Damian asked

"Because, I'm not suppose to tell anyone at Mount Justice about you or Jason"


"Because da- Batman said so"

"This makes no sense, you showed Tim Mount Justice"

"Well the team wanted a new Robin"

"And Jason?"

"He was Red Hood"

"And I?"

"Wasn't there at the time"

"Oh, but why is it so bad if Jason and I meet your team?"

"Maybe because Bruce- Batman doesn't want to lose another partner"

Thanks so much for reading, reviewing, commenting, and voting (see what I did there?) just thanks no pressure and have a Wonderlandful day!
Words : 476

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