*2* Pasts come into Presents

Start from the beginning

I was to busy looking at her ass that I hadn't noticed the people that were already sitting by the table we was gonna be at

Once the waitress showed us the table, she turned on her heel, and headed back to the restaurant's entrance. All the while, I was still checking out her ass, openly even

Cory scoffed, "Yo" he nudged me, "Would you stop looking at the poor girl's ass man? Damn" he shook his head, chuckling

Man, you can't blame a nigga for looking. I am single after all, so I'm pretty sure it ain't a crime to look at a beautiful woman

I felt another nudge, from who I assumed was CJ, "Nigga I'ma tryna introduce you to my wife and her peoples" he whispered to me

I turned to look at him, a sly smile on my face. I leaned into his ear, putting my hand on his shoulder, "Yo, remind me to get that mammie's nu-"

My smile dropped once I heard the laughter of someone I ain't never thought I'd see, ever again. I looked over at the group of females that sat at the table we was at, that's when I saw her

She looked better than the last time I saw her. She looked happier, and that look alone sent a pinge of pain through my soul

She was so busy talking to her sister, that she didn't notice me standing there, staring at her. That is until Cory called her name, and she saw me. The smile she was rocking dropped like she had seen a ghost

"Jus" she whispered. I was still looking straight at her, so shocked that I might as well have been frozen to that spot

An emotion that I couldn't decipher passed through her eyes, but it left just as quickly as it came, "Hey! JT, haven't seen you in a minute man. How've you been? Sit, please" Eva stammered on, looking between Logan and I

I just kept my eyes on Logan, til she looked away from me

You know in life there are people that you don't ever expect to see once you walked outta their lives?

Yeah, well mine was Ms Logan over there. When I walked away from her seven years ago, I left with a gaping hole where my heart should've been. I had unintentionally left my heart with the only woman I would ever love, thinking that I would never see her again

That is, until today. After I realised that I'd been staring at her for longer than intended, and that the people around the table we was at we're quiet, probably cause they could sense the awkward energy, I cleared my throat, "How you been ba-, I mean Logan? You look good"

She masked her emotions, and looked at me like she was disinterested in anything that I had to say, "I've been good. Thanks" then went back to the conversation that she was having before I got there

I frowned, thinking how she gone be the one that's cold towards me, when I wasn't the one that snatched her heart outta her chest, and kept in Pandora's box, while she suffocated. If anything, she did that to me

Cory looked at the both of us, frowning, "Care to explain?" He looked between us confused

Eva placed her hand on his, "I'll explain later babe, for now let's order, I'm starving" she smiled timidly, "Plus I could use a drink" she said the last part more so to herself then us, while the lunch table continued like no disruptions had happened

CJ sat down next to Eva, guess she's the woman who's gonna marry my boy I thought

"Ait boy...this is Chanel" he pointed to a chick sitting next to Eva. She had moaca coloured skin, and from what I could tell, she was the skinny type

He then pointed to a woman next to Chanel, "That's mama J"

I looked over at mama J, a small smile playing at the corners of lips. I hadn't even noticed that she was sitting by the table, till Cory pointed her out. It had honestly been a long time since I had seen her. She looked better than she did seven years ago

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