Chapter Seven

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Don’t Take My Light

Anthony’s POV

“Ian, it’s only June 18th but I want it to be the Fourth of July already. I wanna see those fireworks.” I complained to him as we sat on the jungle gym at the park at 2PM, absolutely alone as we stared out at only trees, grass, and empty concrete paths nobody was walking on. “I want to see fireworks, too. But school starts in early August so even though fireworks are badass, July is one month before hell so I can wait.” I forgot all about school. “Yeah, you’re right. I thought being a senior was going to be exciting and I would think about being a boss above all the younger noobs there. I was planning on planning a plan to make myself as cool as possible just so little Freshi’s can stare at me in awe and stay outta my way.” Ian chuckled and laid back on the hard surface of the jungle gym, his legs dangling over the edge and swinging idly. “You were planning on planning a plan?” His blue eyes lit up and his white teeth flashed as he laughed when I nodded. “Yeah. But so far I’ve done nothing to plan my plan. I’ve been busy.” Ian scoffed at me, finding everything I said humorous.

“Busy with what?” My back let me know it wasn’t happy about me laying back on the hard surface kids would trample on but it was the best way to look up at the cloudy sky, fluffy and wispy white clouds slowly passing by above us. “Busy with you.” That time Ian didn’t scoff or laugh. Our eyes met and he smiled warmly. “Oh. I-I don’t think I would have guessed that if you asked me. We’ve been together for three weeks. But you wanted to skip to July 4th, missing our one-month anniversary on July 1st.” Oh! Jeez I didn’t even realize. Ian’s tone was soft and didn’t hold scorn for me not thinking of the really important date. “W-well I mean that I want to see fireworks really bad, but we can’t see fireworks on the first. But it’s not like I would want to skip it. It’s super important to the both of us…and I know we’ll do something special on that day.” I smiled kindly at him while his face was full of hesitation. “Ian, no! God what makes you think I want to have sex with you, dude? Not that you’re body’s not attractive it’s just that I’m talking about dinner and a movie, and a present n’ shit.” It was unbelievable how much relief washed over his almost scared expression when I reassured him. What is it with him and sex? It’s like he’s afraid I’m going to do something with him he doesn’t want to do. Oh Ian…how irrational you are sometimes.

“Heh heh, yeah I totally knew that.” He gave the goofiest smile, embarrassed and getting sheepish. “I hope we have a lot of anniversaries, Anthony.” A few seconds went by before I replied, too overwhelmed by how absolutely adorable he was right then. He just preformed my two favorite things he did around me. Get bashful then say something meaningful and cute. Ian’s adorable look turned to slight confusion when I just stared at him, unable to speak. Catching his look, I snapped out of the classic Ian’s Trance. “O-oh yeah. Me, too.” His white teeth flashed behind his smooth pink lips as he chuckled at me, watching my cheeks flush and my eyes turn away, being the bashful one that time. God we have a lot of mushy moments. And we still haven’t adjusted to them. But I love how sheepish he gets, how he lowers his voice and makes himself seem smaller in front of me. Ian gets his “melting” feeling whenever I get close to him and say something that pushes his “I feel so loved right now” button. Three weeks in and we’re still in dumb and slightly awkward love. Awesome!

My eyes turned back to the sky, some blue peeping out behind the silky white clouds, so close to Ian’s stunning eye color but not quite making it. The only thing that had his sparkling blue color was the stars in the night sky. After that night, maybe just by the promising and inspiring words we said about our relationship, it’s like we got fully connected. Like we became attached to each other and couldn’t let go. It completely hurled me into deep love and now the both of us know that our relationship is so strong and unbreakable. We haven’t said the L word yet but it might be coming someday soon. I tell Ian it all the time in my head, imaging him saying he loves me back. I know he loves me but maybe it’s just too soon to say it. We don’t say we “like” each other either. Where couples with more time in would place the L word in we just stay quiet, secretly knowing what we’re saying in our heads. Three weeks in and I love Ian. With all my heart. He will never leave my side. I won’t let him. Nothing in the world can stop us. Nothing at all.

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