Chapter Six

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A Star In My Sky

Ian’s POV

Knock knock knock. Knock knock knock! “Ian!” Knock knock knock. For god’s sake. “Ugh, what?” Melissa was practically shouting beyond my closed door. “It’s Saturday. Mom wants to take us to breakfast! Get up and let’s go.” I was left alone with my tired eyes begging not to open and my body pleading not to get up. Why do you have to eat breakfast so early? Wait, what time is it? My bedroom was bright with the light of day, but my body was slow-moving and weary like I had been exercising all day. It was 9:25AM when I flipped open my phone with stiff fingers. God I’m tired. Like seriously. Psh, but they’re offering me food. I can never turn that down. But it’s so early. Whatever. I’ll just get dressed and-I had only taken a few steps out of bed when my eyes looked down to the floor, seeing my black jeans and grey shirt lying together. Staring at them brought everything back to me. “I wore that on my…I went on a date with Anthony. I’m dating Anthony. Holy shit.” The events of yesterday flowed past my vision, Anthony taking me to dinner where we laughed and then to the movies where we sat together and finally the two of us went on a late-night walk in the park. It was…such a strange thing…to hold his hand. We were connected the whole time. His hand was warm in mine, a-and it was so different between us. Everything we used to be…is so different now. Such a change. And it feels so good to be treated that way. All loved and cared for. Anthony now hugs me instead of pushes me. Compliments me instead of insults me. This feels great…

I tore my eyes away from those clothes and got dressed in another pair of jeans and shirt, getting rushed by my sister once again. But after being reminded of last night I couldn’t muster up any annoyance or serious dislike for Melissa. I just didn’t have it in me today. My mom and sister talked in the front seat while I sat in the back playing Tetris on my phone, no calls or texts from Anthony. “Hey Ian, honey.” My mom kindly spoke to me. “After we go to breakfast, your sister and I are going to have a girl trip out and I know you would be horrified to come along. So I’ll drop you off at home, okay?” Breakfast then alone time with no nagging women. Nice. “Okay.” Even I was surprised at how civil Melissa and I were while we were at IHOP. We didn’t argue and she didn’t even tease me with anything. She talked girly stuff with our mom while we ate; the syrupy pancakes keeping my attention while they babbled about makeup or whatever. A buzzing feeling in my left pocket made me jump slightly. When I checked my phone I saw it was a text from Anthony. “Haaaayyyy did u know that penguins can’t fly??” Well that was more random than usual. “Um yeah. And hi by the way ;)” It became hard to focus on my food with Anthony texting me back quickly. “Oh hhhaaaaaaaayyyyy. Or hi. LOLOL.” He must have been eating soda for breakfast instead of food.

“Well somebody’s in a good mood. Are u watching Animal Planet or something?” “And Lonnie said we might someday be married!” Melissa screeched happily. Oh god I did not want to be a part of that conversation. “Uh YEAH. On my neeewww TV! Bought it with my money and now it’s in my room and it’s a 40”! U gotta come over today and see it. My room is like 100x better with it.” He was free to buy whatever he wanted. He got paid a hundred dollars a month to make websites for people while I was jobless and broke. Maybe I was a little jealous. “Oh damn! Ur room was like already super awesome but now u can blast the tv and piss ur mom off. XD” “If you two ever do get married, I better not see grandkids until you’re at least twenty-five.” Their conversation almost made me want to puke on my plate. “Yep! And tomorrow I’m getting a DVD player so I can watch movies and listen to music. Who needs a stereo when a DVD player can do it better?” Finally my mom and sister moved their conversation to shopping instead of gross romance. “Cool. I’m at breakfast right now but I’ll be home probably by 10. I can come over then ok? ;)” Thinking of going to see him immediately brought on more flashbacks of our date. I couldn’t wait to see Anthony’s charming face and be held in his strong arms.

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