"Please, make me feeling something." I said just above a whisper. I couldn't still my hands. I couldn't get enough of how he felt under my touch, even through the thin material of his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and dipped his head into the crook of my neck, causing my eyes to flutter closed. We were moving again, but I didn't open my eyes to see where he was taking. I let him guide me.

Soon the back of my legs hit a wooden surface and I opened my eyes to see that we were now standing inside a dark, big room. His bedroom.

I pulled away from him and ran my hand over his shaved jaw, so mesmerised by every detail of him. The city lights peeking through the window illuminated his face. I looked into his eyes and what I saw took my breath away. So much need and desire, so much emotion. I could gaze into those deep, deep green eyes forever.

Oh, the way he was looking back at me. It made me forget everything else. He was the only one that mattered at the moment. Me and him. Long gone was the guilt.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked me.

I nodded my head, too afraid to say anything.

He stroked my face, my hair, taking in all of me before kissing me again, holding my face into his hands, so I couldn't move from his attention again. He kissed me deeply, possessively, claiming me, marking me. I would never recover from this.

My back hit the surface of the bed, he was on top of me, supporting himself with one hand.

I ran my hands into his hair, tearing my mouth from his, I kissed his face, his throat and teared apart his shirt, pulling it down his shoulders and throwing it on the floor. I drank him in with my half-opened eyes, working my hands over the defined muscles of shoulders, chest, stomach, tracing my lips everywhere my hands had been, tasting him.

He pushed me onto my back again, into the pillows, growling with desire. He pulled away from my kisses. When he spoke his voice was coarse and his breath was shuddering. He held my hands over my head and buried his face in my hair. "Harry." I purred to him.

"I though I would never be able to touch you like this, again." He said softly.

I didn't want to cry. I was hungry, lustful, wanting. Harry had done this to me- in a split second, with one touch. One kiss. My body ached. I wanted his hands all over me. I wanted him inside of me, stopping me from from thinking of how wrong this was. Because it was so, so wrong. I was letting a man I just met do this to me.

I barely felt his fingertips move against my shirt. The buttons were just suddenly undone. He pulled my body up and my blouse vanished into the air, revealing my flimsy bra of black silk.

"So beautiful." He whispered, his hands touching everywhere, sliding over my bare skin. We'd been both alone, both wounded deep inside. But in this moment it felt like loneliness didn't exist. We were together.

I pulled him down hard against my body, wanting to feel his weight on me. I heard the appreciative groan from the back of his throat as I kissed him hard and tried to unzip his pants. My hands were trembling.

"Stop." He said huskily, placing his hands over mine. For a moment I thought he changed his mind, but them I realised what he was doing. Never leaving my eyes, he rised up from the bed and undid his pants for me, pulling them with his boxers down his long, toned legs. A choked noise came from the back of my throat as he stood naked in front of me. Blushing, I tried to look away, but his gaze was challenging me.

With a deep breath I lifted my chin and looked at him. Really looked.

He was not ashamed standing there. His shoulders were broad, chest firm and abs defined his torso. His arms were covered in tattoos and so was his torso and chest. They were all different, I couldn't understand their meaning, maybe they didn't have one. Maybe they were part of the past he told me about, part of the person he was before. Maybe the healed scars on his torso and thigh were part of that too. Maybe he had an accident, the injuries looked painful. A dusting of dark hair trailed from his stomach and it went lower... But I didn't dare look, my nerves failed me.

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