(One of Those) Talks

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Sitting down at the same booth we'd choose whenever we came here to eat, the server offered us our menus and asked what we wanted to drink. I opened my mouth, but Dinah shook her head politely, mumbling a 'not now'. Furrowing my eyebrows, I twiddled my thumbs together, smiling at the server before they walked away.

It was silent at our table, the only sound being created by those around us. "Camila, we need to talk." She spoke up, eyes shut closed as a sigh slipped through her lips. Pressing my own together, I nodded once she opened her eyes, letting her know that she could continue.

Locking her brown eyes with my own, the nerves at the pit of my stomach began to rise as she continued looking away, unable to maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds at a time.

Although there had been a bit of tension for the past few weeks, I was sure there was nothing wrong between us. We were fine, I knew that, but now it wasn't as easy to convince myself that everything was going great. My palms began to sweat with every second dragging on.

Dinah and I would be together for a year and a half next month, and I had already began planning what I wanted to do. To say I was excited was an understatement, just the thought of the trip I had planned out was enough to make me grin.

She took a deep breath, folding and unfolding her hands on the table in front of her.

Seriously, what was so important that had to be thought of for more than a few seconds?

Usually I didn't mind silence, not with her at least, but right now it was bothering me and making the situation slightly uncomfortable.

Seconds felt like minutes felt like hours and something was yet to be said. Opening my mouth to offer a starter, I closed it once again when she began to talk. "Listen, we've been together for quite some time now and -don't get me wrong- it's been really great and you're amazing, but..." She paused, licking her lips and reaching over, placing her warm hand on top of my own.

Narrowing my eyes towards her hand on mine, I looked at her in confusion. She wasn't breaking things off with me, right? I mean, I understood the whole "we need to talk" thing- hell, I've given the whole "we need to talk" talk, but Dinah? The potential love of my life?

"But...?" I pressed, wanting her to carry on and make a joke and prove me wrong.

"I just don't think this is working out, Mila. I think we should take some time."

"Time? For what? To focus on us?" The questions were said before I could process what was going on. Was she actually breaking up with me? This couldn't be happening, it had to be a joke. It had been the two of us since high school. Dinah and Camila, Camila and Dinah.

She shook her head, rubbing her neck awkwardly. "Some time away from each other." She clarified, chewing on her bottom lip.

And there it is. My eyebrows knit together, unable to wrap my head around the words that were coming out of her mouth. It felt surreal, as if I was watching what was happening from another point of view.

Taking my silence as confusion, she continued. "We've been together for almost two years, and we're getting serious rather quickly. We're twenty-one years old. I want to slow down, see what there is-"

"See what there is?" I repeated, glaring at the girl sitting across from me. "This isn't a department store, Dinah." I spat, "You can't put a relationship on hold to 'see what there is' like some toy."

Alright so maybe I wasn't expecting that. A warning? Sure. But a full on break-up? Not at all. I stayed glued to my seat, tongue tied. If I said something, I knew for a fact that I would trip over my words and sound like an idiot, and the last thing I wanted was to make a fool of myself in front of my -now ex- girlfriend.

"Sorry Camila, I love you okay?" She sighed after a few minutes, grabbing her phone and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Do you want a ride back home?" Smacking her hand away, I stood up, staring at her in disbelief.

"No I don't want a ride home, I want this to be a joke." Giving her a few more seconds, I scoffed when she stayed silent, turning around and making my way out of the restaurant. Closing my eyes, I ran a hand over my face in attempt to get the events that happened mere seconds ago to settle in. It all felt fake, and I didn't know what else to do.

She had to be confused. We had gone through a fair share of fights before, in a few days it would all blow over and she'd be begging to come back. All I had to do was wait it out.

We were gonna be forever.

A/N: I hope you guys like this story as much as I do. Stay Hydrated xxMarina Oh, and see that amazing story cover? blushmp4 on tumblr created it for me she's so nice :,)

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