The First Encounter

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A breeze played at my hair and outside my window, a bird chirruped loudly. Damn it I should get up. I dug myself out of my blankets and pillows and I wished I could just sink back into it and disappear for the day. Sadly work called, Tsunade wanted to talk to me today about a mission.

My feet settled on the lukewarm wood floor. I stretched and padded to the bathroom to get ready for the day. The hot water steamed around me pleasantly. I didn’t want to leave the nice warm water pounding on my back and neck. But after a while the water began to lose its heat and I knew I had to get out. I sighed as I stepped out; I wrapped a towel tightly around myself and I headed back out in to my room and pulled out my clothes for the day.

I slipped on a bra and a tight fitting pale green half shirt with spaghetti straps. Over that I put on a loose half-shirt that slipped over one shoulder. It was a dark green like grass. I pulled leggings over my legs. It was a dull light brown color. Over that, I tied a patterned shawl that hung over my hips; it concealed blades that I had strapped to my thighs.

Once I was fully dressed I went into my kitchen. For breakfast, I set two slices of bread in my toaster. I sat down in a chair and began braiding my hair into one long tight cord. Just as I finished braiding my hair the toast popped out. I quickly lathered a bit of jelly on them and ate them.

After I ate my toast, I headed to my front door where I pulled on my boots that covered almost all of my calves. Finally, I was ready to face the day. I wondered what Tsunade wanted me to do. That was one of the perks of my job. It was always interesting and unique.

I headed out of my apartment and down to the Tower. Along the way, I greeted some passing friends. I loved the good weather.  Before long, I walked up the steps in the bright sunlight. After that I walked up to the floor Tsunade was on, but as I reached to knock on the door a pink blur opened it for me and almost knocked me flat.

“Oh! I was just going to get you; Tsunade needs to send you out as soon as possible. It’s a good thing you’re early today,” Sakura chattered.

“Good to see you too Sakura,” I answered stepping in to the room with her on my heels.

I headed over to the blond haired Hokage; I greeted her quietly. She kept her “good morning” short and told me about my mission.

“There’s been a change of plans. You are to back up a team already out, they encountered trouble and in short need back up. Your abilities would be valuable since the goal of this mission is to capture and return him for interrogation. Sadly, he’s proving very resourceful and it would make it easier just to send you out,” she explained.

I nodded my understanding and she continued.

“The target is a man named Myou, he has a burn down the left side of his face, impossible to miss. You will be assisting a four man team made up of Hinata, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji.”

“Is there anything else I need to know?” She shook her head, “I’ll see you when I get back then,” I turned to leave.

“Nyla, take care! You’ll be back soon, it’s pretty much done anyway. They are just having trouble pinning him down,” Sakura chirped sweetly. 

I waved over my shoulder.


It didn’t take me long to leave the Village and once I was in the forest I leaped up a tree branch. I followed their trail along until I came upon a stream gurgling. Then the trail changed, it seemed they confronted him and gave chase on the ground. There was damage to the surrounding area, a lot of broken branches and huge dents in the ground and rocks.

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