Chapter 7

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This was so difficult to type my boyfriend was over here rubbing my back..tryna persuade me... I shouldnt have to tell you what he was tryna persude me to do lol...NOPE didnt happen. :D



The Monday that Anthony had been gone to Hollywood to sing with Trey was awkward. 

Anthony had asked Kennedy earlier during last week if he could pick Tiphany and Mowry up just for that day. He had agreed. The ride to school was fine though. Tiphany sat in the back seat and Mowry had sat in the front talking to Kennedy.

Tiphany sat quietly in the back -- her ear buds mounded in her ears as her iPod played loudly into her head.

Tiphany had been thinking about the ride home all through her classes.

When 2:45 came Tiphay fluffed her curls and stuck some spearmint gum into her mouth. Clutching her books to her chest she made her way over to Kennedy's red monte carlo.

He was already there putting his book bag in his trunk looking fine as always.

Tiphany pushed out a nervous breath. Kennedy looked over -- his eyes meeting her own. Tipahny's heart took off as he just smiled at her unlocking the doors as he shut the trunk before he made his way over to driver's side.

Tiphany walked closer pulling the passanger side door open. The soft smell of his cologne hit her in the face as she sat in his plush fabricated seat. Kennedy started the car as soon as Tiphany sat in the seat.

Tiphany sat quietly looking out the window.

An unfamiliar tension hung in the air between the two. Unbiased to Tiphany. Kennedy's brown orbs suddenly looked over at Tiphany. "You mind if I get something to eat?" Tiphany eyes flicker down to his full lips as they moved and formed before she met his eyes with her own.


Kennedy put on his blinker merging to the left lane before he pulled into the entrance to BurgerKing. 

"You want something"

Tiphany shrugged. "Sure."

Kennedy's eyes continued to stare as he was pulled in front of the drive thru speaker. Tiphany blushed. "What?" She looked at her lap suddenly self conscious about how she looked today. She met his eyes once again after a moment

Kennedy had no expression, he was unreadable. "What do you want?" Tiphany's eyes widen in embarrassment thinking of how stupid she could have been for thinking that he could have possibly been looking at her at all

"Just some chicken strips."

Kennedy nodded. He ordered and pulled forward after a second

"You look cute today."

Kennedy didn't even look her way when he said it, Tiphany had a to do a double take to realize she had heard his voice, but he was already pulling up to the window, shifting to the side to get his wallet from his back pocket.

Tiffany watched him pull out a twenty dollar bill before handing it the girl to pay for their food.

The girl eyed Kennedy, her colorful nails grasping the bill as she eyed him. Tiphany rolled her eyes looking out the window again watching as a couple more people pulled into Burger King. Tiphany heard change before she felt Kennedy's car pull forward closer to the next window.

Kennedy handed her the bag once he had pulled his food from it -- eating as he drove. He never mentioned what he said again, even when he dropped her off he just pulled away without a bye.

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