Turn On The Light (Gabilliam)

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A/N: Originally posted in my AO3 (intherearrview) under the same title. Enjoy!

Title taken from William Beckett's song of the same name.


"Can I come over?
Can I stay the night?
'Cause all my friends are sad
And I need someone
Someone to hold me tight,
'Cause I've been feeling bad, so bad"
- Turn On The Light, William Beckett


"I'm sure he'll come around, Alex. Just give him some more time."

Alex sniffed once again, and Gabe pulled him closer and rubbed his arm. Alex had been crying of quite a while now, and Gabe was running out of ideas. In the end, he settled for climbing up onto Alex's bed and pulling him up with him, and tucking him under the blankets. He stayed with him the whole afternoon, playing Candy Crush on his phone and handing him tissues every five minutes. Alex didn't do or talk much, just wept and wetted Gabe's shirt. Gabe didn't complain much.

At 9pm he decided it was time to go home and leave Alex to deal with himself and his thoughts. He told Alex so.

"Okay," was all Alex said. He didn't even look at Gabe.

"I can stay if you want..."

"No, it's fine. I'll be okay," Alex did glance at him this time, and flashed him a tiny smile. Gabe sighed and ran a hand through his friend's hair, then stood up from the bed. "Nate loves you, Alex. It'll be okay."

Alex nodded once and looked away again. Gabe sighed again, and left the house.


Gabe thought about it. He thought about it a lot. He was still thinking about it, even as he dialled William's number, not sure why he was so nervous and not sure why exactly he was doing it.


"Bill? Hey, it's Gabe," Gabe said, hoping he didn't sound as unsure as he felt. He was walking down the dark streets, searching for the familiar sight of the blue-walled house.

"Gabe!" William exclaimed on the other end of the phone, and he sounded genuinely excited. Gabe felt himself relax a little bit. "How are you? We haven't talked in forever! Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," Gabe laughed nervously. "I was just leaving Alex's. Uh, hey, I was wondering, do you think I can come over? We can like, hang out or whatever. If you want to." Gabe absently bit the nail on his thumb.

"Sure, come over! Ring me when you get here, so you don't, like, wake up Sisky with the doorbell."

"Uh." Gabe stopped in front of the house he was looking for, then laughed nervously again. "Um. I'm already here."

William laughed on the phone, and Gabe felt a shiver run down his spine. Then the door opened, and suddenly Gabe felt a pair of thin arms surrounding his neck, and he hugged the narrow figure back, taking in the familiar smell, feeling the familiar weight, and he closed his eyes momentarily, enjoying the few seconds before William pulled back.

"I've missed you so much, Gabe!" William said, and his eyes were sparkling. He had the biggest grin plastered on his face and Gabe couldn't help but stare and smile back. "Come in, we have so much catching up to do." He grabbed Gabe's hand and pulled him inside, and Gabe let out a sigh of relief before letting himself be dragged by his best friend.


Two hours, three beers, and a joint later, Gabe was lying on William's couch, trying and failing to focus his eyes on the American Idol episode that was running on the TV in front of him. He didn't even know what was going on, he could only hear a faint feminine voice sing, but it sounded so far away; he literally could only focus on William's weight against him, the way his hot breath tickled his neck every time he giggled or turned to rub his nose on Gabe's shirt.

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