A Little Check Up

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Today I going to go to the OBGYN to check on the baby and see exactly how far alone I am.

All the guys are supportive and Hayes has been a great dad. I mean we both know it's most likely not his but he says that he will still love him or her. He talks to it, tells it he loves it, he does everything a dad needs to do. And he's great with getting me what I crave.

He's amazing. It's been a month since I found out, and yes I have a baby bump.

That's why I'm thinking its Shawn's becuase I'm obviously not 2 and a half months pregnant becuase I'm way too big.

I decided I was hungry so I went to go fix me a snack before leaving


"Hayes! Why do you take so long to get ready! Just come on!" I yell at him.

"Hold on." He groans.

"Come on let's just go to the car." Cam rolls his eyes.

Once I get settled in the front seat Hayes comes running out the house.

"Finally." I groan when he gets in.

He cranks up the car then we were on our way.


"Hi, I'm dr. Williams, and I'll be your OBGYN until your baby is here. How is everyone?" She was a tall lady. She was probably about 35 or so. She had brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"Amazing." I smile.

"Alrighty well let's go ahead and do a check up. This will likely include a pelvic exam, Pap smear, blood-pressure reading, weigh-in, and breast exam."

I nod alone as she explains everything.

After doing my weigh-in and blood pressure she starts to ask questions.

"So I hear you're 3 and a half months right?" She asks.

"Maybe I was hoping we could check." I smile.

"Of course, and you're 16?" She says looking up from the paper work we filled out.

"Yes. I know I'm really young but trust-"

"No, sweetie it's fine. I have a 13 year old patient right now, no need to be ashamed or embarrassed." She smiles.

I smile back.

"But since you are 16, labor might be a little difficult. Many teen parents have difficulties during birthing. Don't be scared though. Your uterus is very small and since you are so small yourself your back an feet will start to hurt around 5 months. The baby might be little distressed during labor so we might have too do a c-section. But if everything goes well throughout the pregnancy you'll be good to go on naturally."

Oh great. I'm going to die.

"Don't be afraid, Blair. It'll be all ok." Hayes smiles at me.

"Now let's get moving on the the pelvic exam." Dr. Williams claps her hands.

I decided to let Hayes stay in the room with me, although my legs will be spread and well yeah.


"Well it's seems like you are indeed 3 and a half months pregnant. 3 months and 17 days to be exact. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She asks me. I look and Hayes, who was looking at me smiling like crazy. I nod my head then she turns on this thing. Then I heard a thumping noise.

"There you go." She smiles. I smile wider.

I can't believe I'm actually going to have a baby.

"We can print out a sonogram if you'd like."

"Yes that'll be great."

"How many?"


After I get cleaned off she leaves the room to get the pictures.

"So, looks like it's Shawn's." Hayes says. I look at him straight in the eyes, he was hurt. I could tell.

"But, I don't care. I'm still staying and I'll make sure to love this baby like its my own." Be kisses my lips. I smile back.

"Alright you can stop by the desk and set up your next appointment." She smiles and hands me the pictures.

Me and Hayes leave the room.

When we walk out Cameron stands up and stretched.

"Finally." He groans.

"Oh shut up." I laugh. "Don't you want to see your niece or nephew?" I hold up the picture.

He smiles and takes it out of my hands.

"IM SO EXITED!" He jumps up and down and hugs me. "I'm gonna be a uncle, I'm gonna be a uncle..." He sings that all the way to the car from the building.

"Alright, Cameron. We get it. Now shut up." Hayes laughs.

He stops finally and gets in the car.

"So is it Shawn's or..?"

"Yeah. I'm 3 months and 17 days along." I frown a little.

"Don't worry, you have meeeeee!" He kisses my cheek multiple times.

"And meeeeeeeee!" Hayes does the same as Cameron.

"Alright let's just go home."

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