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Elijah was attractive and tall and had a killer jawline. Josh was intimidated and he could tell everyone else was, but was trying to hide it.

"Ah, Joshua. Its a pleasure to finally meet you."
Josh smiled awkwardly, making Elijah smirk. Tyler's body was stiff and anger was radiating off his body.

"Elijah, what are you doing here?"
He turned to look at Tyler, his face suddenly going blank. Everyone looked confused, unaware of the current situation that only Tyler knew about.

"Do you guys kno-"

"Extremely well, yes"
Elijah walked in, sitting down on the sofa infront of the fireplace. No one knew what to say, except Tyler, of course.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldnt rip your throat out-"

"Because we both know you would never have to guts to. And because of my relationship with a certain someone, who knows Laura"
Everyone turned to look at Josh who looked confused and angry.

"Where is she?"

"I'll tell you if you agree to my deal."


"Please tell me you are joking, Joshua"

"I need to find my mother, Brendon. Elijah could be my only help-"

"You cant trust him, Josh!" Everyone turned to look at Tyler, who was flustered. Elijah stared at him intently, smirking slightly.

"And why's that, Tyler?" Brendon knew. Oh god did he know, Tyler's mind was screaming brother brother Klaus' brother. Tyler knew Brendon knew, so he sighed and stared at Elijah.

"Fine, take a little holiday with Elijah here. Just know that if anything happens to us, its on you."


The drive to, wherever Elijah was taking him, was extremely awkward. Josh stared out the window and ignored Elijah's attempt at conversation. Josh felt jealous when it was clear Tyler and Elijah knew each other, but he didn't even want to think about how.

"He has a thing for you, Joshua. He isn't angry at you for leaving," Josh scoffed, rolling his eyes as he looked out the window again, trying to enjoy the scenery which was decent. He couldn't deny the feeling he got when Elijah mentioned that Tyler apparently had a thing for him.

"He's difficult, but he likes you-"

"Can you please just shut the fuck up? Please?" Josh snapped, looking at Elijah with wide, irritated eyes. Elijah showed no emotion but nodded, letting out a quiet sigh.

Elijah was angry at Klaus for not retrieving Josh himself, and the deal was for Josh to kill him, in exchange for his mother. Obviously Josh wanted to, not aware it was a trap. He didn't know Elijah and Klaus were brothers, nor did he know he couldn't be killed. But it persuaded Josh to come, so Elijah didn't mind, and he didn't make any promises.

"How do you know Klaus? And how do you know he knows where Laura is?" Elijah looked over to Josh before looking back at the road.

"I give you my word, Joshua. He knows where Laura is. How I know Klaus? That's a whole other story."


"Tyler, can we speak for a second?" Brendon walked into the room cautiously, aware of how Tyler was feeling. He was sat on a wooden chair, facing the balcony of the cabin. Tyler didn't react, but Brendon knew he didn't want to talk. Perks of mind reading.

"Why didn't you tell any of us that Klaus and Elijah are brothers?" Brendon wasn't mad.  He was concerned for Josh, because Elijah was probably taking him to Klaus, but it was his own choice. He was more confused as to how Tyler knew and why he chose not to tell anyone.

"I was close to Elijah. He let me in, I did the same. We know everything about each other. He killed Mark. Friendship was over. That's all you need to know."


"What, Brendon? What do you want me to say? You probably already know." Tyler spat, instantly feeling guilt as he saw Brendon's face turn to sadness.

"Tyler, I never listen to peoples thoughts without consent, well not close people unless needed. I knew something was off when Elijah came in. I'm sorry, I was curious-"

"Yeah well," Tyler turned to Brendon with cold eyes before heading out the door. "Curiosity killed the cat."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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