Chapter 11 "love" ❣

Start from the beginning

"Just hold on we're going home,It's hard to do these things alone,Just hold on we're going home..." My alarm clock went off at 7 in the morning. I went into the shower and took a long, warm bath. As I was drying my hair my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said, I knew who it was already tho

"Morning beautiful" Austin said from the other side. Even tho I couldn't see him I imagined his beautiful hazel, green, eyes and that charming smile of his, that mad me blush.

"Good Morning" I said "Are you ready for today?" I asked looking out my window

"Yes" He said with confidence "I have to go beautiful, I will see you in a few ok?" Austin said.

"Okay" I laughed "Bye, Love you".

"Love you too" He said be for the call ended.

I went back to dresser and started to do my make up, I do the full face make up when am not lazy, to day was not one of those days so I decided to do it. When I was finished getting ready I walked down stairs, my outfit consisted of a black high waisted skirt, a long sleeve crop top that met the end of the skirt, so not much of my stomach was showing. I was also wearing some white vans.

As I was making my away down stairs I could already here the topping of forks and spoons against the plait, witch told me my family was already eating breakfast,

"Good Morning!" I said cheerfully as I walked over to the table.

"Good morning Hun, sleep well ?" My mother asked

"Um, yeah I guess so" I smiled and kissed her cheek

"I sat up your breakfast already" She said.

"Perfect, am starving" I laughed

I walked over to my place on the table, with my plate already sat, and started to eat.

"Where's dad?" I said taking a sip of my juice

"Oh he had to go to the office for somethings he needed to take care of".

"He will be back before lunch, right?".

"Yes he will, his just making sure of somethings" she smiled

"Okay" I continued to eat

The rest of breakfast was pretty silence. When I was finished and then helped my mother with the plates,

"Mom, Austin is coming later, can you please call me when his here" I said

"Sure honey".

I dried my hands and went back up stairs to my bedroom. I was on my phone but I suddenly got the urge to play the guitar. I knew and loved to play the guitar it was one of my favorite things to do in my free time, although I was really lacking free time these past few months.

I walked over to where my guitar stood in it's stand, I took it in my hands and walked back over to my bed. I sat there looking out the window as I strummed a couple strings, When ever I played the guitar I got lost in the music, I tuned out the outside word, it's only me and my music. After I practice a while I started to sing an actual song, I started to sing and play 'Next to you by Chris brown ft. Justin Bieber'.

Soon I finished the song and it was all silence. But, suddenly I was startled by clapping, I quickly turned around to find Austin leaning against the door. I tuned out the world so well I didn't hear my mom call me nor I heard Austin open the door. I have to say I was a little embarrassed because I've never sang in-front of people, well I've sang in-front of my family members but Austin didn't even know I sang.

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