I had been lost in thought for probably an hour. I looked at the time on my phone, and it was 4:43. I got up from the couch, turned off the television, and went to look for aunt Brenda. I walked to her bedroom, and opened the door.

She was sitting on the bed with her back turned to me, and her hands on her head. she was crying. i immediately rushed to her side, and sat down, putting my hand on her back, rubbing comforting circles. She looked up at me with red puffy eyes. And i gave her a warm smile.

"Why do you have to go back? Cant you just stay?" she asked. I looked down, and sighed.

"I wish i could. I really do. But i have college to finish, and mom and dad wont let me move out of the city." i said, hurt and guilt filled my voice.

"I k-know..." she said, as she let another tear fall. I felt my eyes water. I couldn't cry now. I had to go see mark, and i didn't want to show up with teary eyes, and jacked up eye makeup.

"Well, i gotta go. I'll be back at 8. Then we can do something fun before i go, ok?" i told her reassuringly. She sniffed

"Ok" was all she said, and gave me a warm smile. I smiled back, and gave her a hug. I dug my face into her shoulder, breathing in her sweet scent. We eventually broke apart, and i exited the house with the keys. I felt guilty for leaving her here, alone. But i had to see mark so that i could tell him. I drove to his apartment in silence. I was too busy thinking about what i was gonna say to him to jam to music.

Eventually i got there, and i parked into an empty parking space, and turned off he car, and made my way to the apartment. I went up the elevator, and down the hall to his apartment. I stopped in front of his door, and lifted my fist in front of the door. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. Mark answered the door soon after, and smiled when he saw it was me. I smiled back the best i could manage.

"Hey! Glad to see you! Come on in!" we welcomed me into his apartment. I walked in, and walked over to the couch. I sat down, and he sat down next to me.

"So do you want to start the game now, or wait?" he asked.

"Actually i want to tell you something first..." i trailed off. I knew mark new that something was wrong by the look on his face.

"Ok" he said calmly. I took another deep breath in, and sighed.

"I, um, have to go back h-home t-tomorrow..." i said quietly. I looked up to see mark's reaction. And he wasn't happy. It wasn't a mad face, it was just a look had the mixture of 'why' and the look that meant that a mental breakdown was about to happen.

"Why?" he asked, softly.

"I have college i have to go back to, and my parents wont let me move out of the city.'' i explained.

"Y/N, please.... Stay." he said, putting a hand on my knee, looking at me seriously. I just put my head down, and i could feel the tears that threatened to fall.

"I have to. I really don't want to though.... I really don't. I'd give anything just to stay, but i cant." i said, almost a whine. I could feel a single tear fall from my cheek. And i don't cry often.

"You can just continue college here, and your an adult, you can move here no madder what your parents wants you to do." he suggested.

"I cant...'' i was barely audible.

"Why not?" mark asked, softly.

"B-because..... I'm....scared of my parents..." i mumbled as more tears fell. There was a silent pause. I then was jerked into a comforting hug. I returned the hug, then dug my face deep into marks shoulder, and he dug his face into my neck. He rocked me back and forth as i cried, and said soothing words in my ear.

"Its ok, its gonna be fine. I understand." he mumbled softly. I cried a bit harder, and he held me tighter. I've never felt so vulnerable in my life.

Mark's POV

I held her tightly for maybe a good 10 minutes. I felt so bad for her. I mean, this is twixter. The best trickster I've ever known. And here she is, crying her eyes out, because she's scared of her parents. I wanted nothing more than to kick her parents' ass's, and be with her forever. Yep. I said it. I wanted to be with her forever. But she has to leave. Maybe i can visit her, and eventually move to her hometown.

Eventually we pulled apart, and she just looked down. She probably doesn't want me to see her probably messed up makeup. I just shook my head, and held her head up so that she was facing me. I wiped away a tear, and looked into her beautiful (E/C) eyes.

"How 'bout we play the game now.... Get our mind off things." i said with a slight reassuring smile. She sniffed.


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