A Crazy Day (Part 1)

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"(Y/N), i made you breakfast.." she said in a soft voice. I groaned and slightly shifted in the comfortable bed.

"what did ya make?" i said lazily.

"Oh, just waffles, bacon and eggs." she said kinda fast. I shot strait up, got to my feet and darted out of the room, and to the kitchen. There was a plate with my breakfast on it, and a bottle of syrup right beside it.

I sat down in the chair, grabbed the syrup, and drowned my waffles in it. I heard footsteps behind me, so i turned around. It was Mark. My eyes widened when i saw him.

"H-hi!" i said, completely surprised to see him, already. WAIT!! What time is it!

"Haha, so this is what Twixter does when she finally wakes up. She runs out of bed and eats her breakfast that was made for her." he said. I felt myself blush a little.

"He-he, ya... I love waffles........ And eggs......... And bacon." i said, completely embarrassed by my behavior this morning. Mark just laughed, and sat down at the table with me.

"So you were in the room with my Aunt Brenda when she woke me up?'' i asked, taking a bite of my scrambled eggs.

"Yep. Saw the whole thing! You didn't see me?" he asked chuckling a bit.

"No..." i said. He just laughed again.

"hahaha you ran right past me! Hahahaha how could you not s-see me-e hahahahahaha!" i began laughing with him.

"haha yeah, I'm blind as a bat. But somehow i manage to see everything in a video game." i said as i cut out a bite sized piece of waffle, and bit it off the fork. After that, we carried on conversation. Basically talking about funny stories that happened in our past.

"Hahaha ya... Well I'm done with my breakfast. I said as i looked at the time on my phone.

"Holy shiz, its 12:34!" i said, basically shouting. I looked at mark, and he had the same facial expression i had.

"Shit! Matthias wants us to be at my place by 1:00!" he said in a slight panic.

"How fast can you get ready?" he said to me, seriously.

"Ummm, pretty fast, i think... I'll just be a minute!" i said, and sprinted to my room to where my suitcase was. Yes, i still haven't unpacked it. Don't judge.

I hurriedly picked out an outfit that i'd normally wear in a video, and quickly put it on, and did something simple with my hair. I did my usual makeup, put on perfume, grabbed my phone and earbuds, and went to meet mark in the living room.

He was sitting on the couch, looking down at his phone.

"Ready?" i asked. Mark looked up at me, and his face expression clearly said, 'wow'.

"Uh... Ya! Lets go." he said, snapping out of whatever trance he was in. He got up and walked to the front door, opening it, and stood beside it. Aww he's such a gentleman. I giggled.

"Bye Aunt Brenda! I will be back this evening!" i shouted throughout the house to wherever she was. I kept walking towards Mark's car as he closed the door, and ran ahead of me, opening the car door for me once again.

I gave him my, 'hmmm' look, and got in the car. Mark softly giggled as he closed the car door. He ran around the car and stopped when he was in front of the door. He gave me a look that said, 'it better not be locked'.

I giggled and mouthed out, 'its not'. He gave me and over exaggerated sigh of relief, and opened the car door. When he was in the car, he looked at me.

"Hmm, i wonder what trick your planning this time..." he said. Somehow, he makes me giggle at the littlest things. He started the car, and sighed in relief again.

"Ok, the car works. Now lets see if i can drive it." he said, and put the gear in reverse. I just laughed.

"I'm not a wizard, Mark. Although you did give me an idea...." i said.

"Oh no." he said, playing along with the joke. We then laughed together, with 10 minutes to get to his apartment. (in case your confused about that, they are filming the challenges at marks apartment instead of Matthias's house)

***time skip to when they get to the apartment***

Everyone was standing in a group beside a car in the parking pot. Mark parked in the empty space beside them. I planned the perfect trick on mark. When he put the gear in park, i locked the doors, making it seem like the click was also the sound of the gear.

Mark tried to open the door, but failed. I burst out laughing. Mark just threw one of his silly fits.

"W-why!? Why? Twixi, why!?" he whined. I just laughed even harder into my hand.

"Ok! Okay, its unlocked!" i said half talking, half laughing.

"Whfpht THANK YOU!" he said, doing his silly over dramatic thing. I kept laughing, and got out of the car.

"She locked me in!" i heard mark say. Everyone just laughed at him. I walked around the car to join the crowd. Wade put his hand up to give me a high five.

"Hahahaha nice." he said, and we high fived.

"Hahaha ok, ok, lets go ahead and get in the apartment, and do some fun challenges!" Matthias said, trying to calm everyone down. We all agreed, and followed mark to his apartment.

He unlocked the front door, and let everyone inside. And holy crap, it was amazing. The walls were all white, and there was a spiral staircase that led to upstairs. The furniture was nice, and there were pictures hanging on the wall here, and there.

"Wow..." was all i could say.

"Alright, lets get the living room set up." Matthias said. I think Matthias thinks he's the big leader.

***time skip to when the cameras are set up***

Well, we got the cameras set up, and now we just need to think of a challenge to do. We were all sitting on the humongous couch, drinking a beer... Except me. I'm not exactly the drinking type.

"So, whats the first challenge gonna be?" i asked.

"We could do the whisper challenge part 2?" wade suggested.

"Hmm, good idea." said Matthias.

"Ya, that's the first good idea wade has had in a long time!" Mark said, which made us all laugh.

"Oh, whatever! Hahahaha" wade said defensively. That only made us laugh harder.

"Ok, i think the whisper challenge part two is a good idea. So lets get started." Matthias said, and we all agreed.

We moved to the 4 chairs we set up in front of the camera, and got ready to start the video.

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