Chapter X: Argument

Start from the beginning

Vanitas returned the glare. "Shut it porcupine."

Ventus looked up at his hair for a second to realize what the raven-haired boy was referring to. "Take a look in the mirror!" He snapped, pointing to Vanitas' own hair.

The two began to argue back and forth, quiet enough so the other people wouldn't notice. The argument got intense and you felt awkward considering the people involved were all around you. The scene looked familiar when you closed your eyes, thinking back. They used to argue like this too. They yelled and made rude retorts to each other, with you right there in the middle. With a shaky hand you grabbed Roxas' hand before lifting your head and shouting at the boys.

"Can you stop?! Can't you two get along for one day?!"

They fell silent. An eerie silence was among the group now as everyone stared at you with shock. The only sound that could be heard was the other people in the mall talking to themselves without realizing what was happening with the group of teenagers. Roxas squeezed your hand and looked at you with sorry eyes before standing.

"I'll take you home..." Roxas said quietly as he tugged in your arm to encourage you to stand up.

You suddenly felt embarrassed when you realized everyone was staring. You lowered your head to avoid eye contact as Roxas lead you out of the food court with your hand in his. You followed him silently with your head down, letting him lead you outside. The two of you began to walk home. It was silent for a few minutes until you were far away enough from the mall for Roxas to talk.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern. "That was the first time I've heard you talk and... It seemed like you snapped."

You shook your head. "They argued like that too..." You said quietly.

"They? Who's-" Roxas cut himself off. "Your past uh... Parents? Guardians?"

You nodded. "Parents."

You could remember everything like it only happened a few days ago. You three would be eating dinner, the only sound that was heard was the clinking of forks as they scraped the plates. They would constantly make eye contact, as if they wanted to say something but never did. That's how the fighting would usually start.

"You need something?" Jihl would say as she glared at her husband.

"Just looking." Yaag would reply as he ate another mouthful.


"I don't lie woman."

"You always do and I'm tired of it!"

It would go downhill from there. The two couldn't even look at each other without arguing. You would sit there at the end of the table, listening to them yell and scream and possibly throw the glass plates at each other. It would be at that point that you wouldn't even finish dinner, and you would get up and walk away. You would venture into your room and just listen to the muffled screaming and the muffled shattering of glass as you sat on the edge of your bed, looking down at the floor. You kept your window closed, your curtains and blinds covering the window, hoping people wouldn't hear or see. But they did. They always did.

An arm draping over your shoulders made you snap back to reality. You looked over and saw Roxas closer to you with his arm on your shoulders to comfort you in a way. He glanced in your direction and gave you a sweet smile.

"Hey. Everything will be okay. I promise." He tried to reassure you. "I'm sorry Ven and Vanitas made you mad. They had a past and don't like each other very much."

You opened your mouth to speak, but hesitated. You obviously weren't one to talk much. However, it has been a while and you were sure Roxas wouldn't hit you for speaking... Right...?

"What happened?" You asked quietly.

Roxas seemed surprised, but he didn't say anything about your cute voice. Instead he warmly smiled and answered your question. "Well you see, they used to be good friends. They were really close. At least until about freshman year. That's when Vanitas met Larxene. She's a senior, a grade above us. She's the one who got him into drugs and all that. Ever since his drug addiction Ventus had to stop being friends with him. I mean, Vanitas was always angry or bitter because all he wanted was to do drugs all the time. So they stopped being friends. Even though Vanitas isn't about that life anymore, Ventus won't forgive him. He did a lot of messed up things and I guess Ven won't look past that..."

You frowned. "But if they were friends, don't friends forgive each other?"

Roxas shook his head. "They should, but Vanitas is still a bitter person. Neither of them wanna forgive and forget. Ven is mad that Vanitas did drugs, and Vanitas is mad that Ven won't accept who he is. Kinda childish don't you think?"

You nodded your head in agreement. It was a shame really, that a friendship could go down the drain just because of one bad choice. If you could, you planned on doing something about it if you could.

"And Seifer?" You asked. "What about him?"

"He's an asshole." Roxas said coldly. "Him and Axel were friends for a while until Axel started getting closer to me. He got jealous and started making my life hell. He's very manipulative so be careful when you see him."

"Of course." You said.

You wanted to ask more, but you had stopped at Sora and Vanitas' house by this time. Roxas opened the door for you and escorted you inside before shutting the door behind you too. You stopped at the foot of the stairs before peeking over your shoulder to only see Roxas staring after you. There seemed to be a look in his eyes, a look of longing. You fully turned yourself around. He never turned away. He had a neutral look on his face. A look as if there was something bothering him. You opened your mouth only to quietly whisper;

"Are you okay?"

Roxas broke the eye contact the two of you were making before he hung his head. His eyes closed slowly while he took a deep breath inwards, only to let a small gasp escape his lips. You could tell there was something off, but you couldn't read his mind. Therefore, you couldn't quite place what it was. However, you simply stared at him with your wide eyes as he finally spoke.

"You remind me of a friend I once knew... Her name was Xion." Roxas turned his back to you as he continued to stare at the floor, it was as if he was too embarrassed to look into your eyes. "She was kinda like you. Quiet, pretty, very nice... But she died not too long ago. You just... Remind me of her."

Your lips parted opened to say something, but then you closed your mouth. You approached him and wrapped your arms around his waist in attempt to comfort him. You've heard the story of this Xion from Sora not too long ago, you knew he must have been suffering immensely given the circumstances. Neither of you said a word. You stood there behind him with your arms wrapped around his body as he was gently holding your hands and running his fingers over your slim knuckles and fingers. Silence erupted inside the house. Not a sound was heard. Not even your own breath.

Despite the fact that two of you weren't so close to each other, the silence was not awkward. The comfort of having someone there to simply just exist in your presence was soothing enough. Words didn't always have to be spoken in order to relax another being. You felt Roxas release the tension in his muscles after only a few seconds.  He had finally relaxed as did you. You closed your eyes and rested your head against his back to show you felt safe with him.

"{Y/N}..." Roxas said quietly.  "I hope we can share each other's stories someday. I just feel some sort of connection with you. I feel like I actually have emotion. Like... I have a heart. It's funny."

"Someday." You told him. "Maybe someday..."

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