Chapter 2: Finally There

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(Y/n) pov~
As I was packing my belongings, I talked with Hermes. "Hermes, I was thinking, should I hide my gender?" I asked. "Why would you wanna do that?" He questioned back. "Well, it'd be fun watching people be confused about my gender... And because I'd feel like Haruhi Fujioka...." I answered. Hermes responded, "hold up, you're telling me you're gonna trick the whole camp about your gender? THAT'S BRILLIANT!" I raised one finger indicating that I had something else to say, "I've also been working on my Australian accent, maybe I can trick them into thinking that I'm from Australia." I suggested. The next thing I knew I was in a bone crushing hug, "You're so smart, I raised you right!" "I gotta go Hermes.. Le meh goooooo!!!" I said as I struggled out of his grasp.
Once he lets go, I cautiously step back. Then I turn around to run to find Aphrodite. Once I find her I asked, "Oh great and beautiful goddess, can you find it in your heart to do a favor for little old me?" Sometimes you gotta sweet talk them to have things go your way. "Oh my little (n/n) anything for you", she answered. "Well," I began a tiny smirk starting to form on the corner of my lips, " I was wondering if you could make me look gender neutral?"
"I didn't know you swing that way", she responded. I deadpanned, "I don't swing that way." "Oh, so you swing the other way?" She asked. "...Aphrodite, I'm not even on the field." I said as I face palmed. She just simply ignored me, "*le gasp* am I the first one you told!? Don't worry, I got this", she said as she got a pair of scissors and started to cut my hair and made it almost shoulder length and had my bangs cover my eyes for some reason but I don't really care because it made me feel like this mysterious main character from an anime. After that, she gave me a chest binder, "here you're gonna need this, you're already developing into a lady", she said pointing to my chest. I looked away blushing so hard you could see freckles starting to form on my face. Then I was pulling into her chest by her hugging/suffocating me with my arms waving wildly, not knowing where to put them. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!"


After I got out of Aphrodite's suffocating hug, I soon got all pokemon backpack, which held all my stuff with a spell Hecate taught me. Soon I focused my mind, closed my eyes, and thought of the place I wanted to be, Camp Half Blood. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the camp the gods have told me about. I finally arrived and I'm gonna make the people here feel blessed by my presence.

A/N: agdjrkebsjejsbeidb I just wanna thank these following people for encouraging me on finishing this chapter Lazydrawings  RenaLow6  ShadowPetal  Anime_Lover_333 and MilyProTastic I feel blessed (* ̄︶ ̄*)

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