Chapter 2

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Today is the day I leave for Korea. I frantically grabbed all of my bags and rushed out to my Uber driver. I threw my bags into the trunk and got into the car.

"Are you in a hurry?" My driver asked.

"No I have an hour before flight check in." I laughed somewhat out of breath.

"Well that's good to be early. You excited for your trip?"

"Yes, very" I nodded eagerly.

During the drive we immersed ourselves in small talk. When we arrived I ripped my luggage out of the trunk and ran into the LA airport. I checked in and waited to board.

Might as well vlog.

"Hey guys so it's 7am pst and I'm about to board the plane to Korea! I'm totally being stared at weird right now. Oh well."

I boarded the plane and took my seat. I looked out the window and let out a sigh as we flew into the air. I plugged my headphones in and drifted to sleep.

When I woke up there were still 3 hours left on the flight. I decided to watch a movie for the remainder time.

When the movie ended I pulled my phone out to check Twitter.

"About to land in South Korea!! " I tweeted out.

The plane landed at 8:30pm PST and 12:30pm KST. After going through customs and receiving my luggage I hurried out to catch the bus to my hotel.

My hotel room was huge. Why does one person need this much space? I laid my bags down and pulled out a purse to carry with me as I checked out Seoul.

While leaving I waved to the woman at the desk before rushing out into the warm air. I decided to go find some food so I started walking in any direction. While I was walking I noticed I was in front of the Pledis Ent. Building. I sharply inhaled before continuing on.

I found a cafe and decided to sit there for awhile.

"Hey guys I'm outside this Cafe in Seoul. It's so cute.*camera pans* I don't know if you can see it but right there * points in front of camera* is the Pledis Ent. building. Like omg what? Anyway I think I'm going to go chill in my hotel for awhile and look up stuff to do. Peace!"

I turned off my camera and stood up from the table I was at. I grabbed my iced coffee and started my journey back to the hotel.


I swear I just heard her voice. Maybe I'm going crazy since she said she landed? No way, I heard it. I continued walking down the street trying to not have my hopes up. As I walked towards the corner I saw a small girl turn the corner in front of me. She had long dark blonde hair and was wearing cat eyed sunglasses. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Oh my god Wonwoo don't fangirl.

Right before she passed she looked up at me. My wide eyes met her sunglasses as she slowed her pace to a stop.

"Wonwoo?" She sounded like she was about to cry.

I didn't say anything I just stared at her. She shook her head before looking at me again. She took off her sunglasses  and looked at me. My cold eyes met her sparkling brown eyes.

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