Chapter 1: The Home

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(Picture of Ms. Stevens above. Hope you enjoy,this is my first story,so do enjoy and comment)

"Miss Henson", I hear someone shouts.
"Where is that girl? She always manages to disappear from my sight. I don't know how I managed to take care of her all these years, that little sneaky devil".

I hear Ms. Stevens muttering to herself. I roll my eyes. She calls about four more times before I hear a sigh and retreating footsteps leading away from my secret spot in the massive garden at the back of the enormous house that I live in. I guess you wouldn't call it a secret spot as it's a garden, as the name suggests. But the point is, it's a secret to me as I don't bring anyone here with me. When there is something on my mind I come here to lazily gaze upon the wide array of roses, lilacs and some others. Don't judge, I love to look at them, I don't have to know the different kinds there are.

I do not have any friends, parents either. I am a lone wolf standing. My parents and younger brother died in a car accident three years ago, I was fourteen then. Now I am seventeen and I have been living in this massive hell house for the past three years. I have been counting the days till when I'll turn eighteen, I will finally be able to leave this hell freely.

The feeling of lost engulfs me and I struggle internally to overcome it. It is one of unbearable pain, although not physically, which seems to take over my entire being when I think about them, my past. The ladies here will frequently take me to the head counsellor, he said he cannot help me, he cannot save or free me from the emotional pain that breaks me more each day. I am broken and I don't think I can be fixed.

I finally decide to go inside to Ms. Stevens. I have been out here for a good two hours now, it's the most time I've spent in the garden since the day I found the 'secret spot'. I check my black watch on my wrist, it read 4: 30 pm, I missed lunch. I sigh dramatically, I was going to get a good cussing for that . I slowly open the door and as discreetly as possible try to make my way to the stairs that leads to my room. I attempt to pass the kitchen when I hear voices coming from inside, I slow to a stop and move to open the door to peek inside.

"What the hell are you doing here?, I freeze. I nervously gulp and turn around to face a fuming Miss Stevens who is glaring at me with a very round red face. She is wearing the usual black attire that everyone of the ladies here wears. It could be compared to a nun's clothing but a bit more stylish.
She glared at me through her funny looking glasses and I shiver, damn her for being so cold and creepy.

" I-I-I was going to get some water to drink, I am soo parch", I say dramatically with my hand at my throat, good thinking Gem, I thought I was a goner there.

Miss Stevens looks at me suspiciously but shakes here head nonetheless. She advances towards me and I step back nervously. She stops and sighs.

"Everyone was called to a meeting in the living room thirty minutes ago, you were told specifically by the headmistress not to go to the kitchen, at least not for now. But you wouldn't know that would you?, she ask while intensely looking at me.

I gape at her, what?. What is wrong with these people, I don't have the piece of mind right now to sit in a meeting for how much hours. I hate staying in one place too long, I get antsy and bored easily.

"Come along, you're late and you might get into trouble. You can get the water later, we must hurry", she says in one breath while walking towards me. She grabs my hand and tugs me down the hall towards the living room.

"But Miss Stevens, why can't I just go and grab a bottle of water and be quick about it?, I ask obviously confused.

" Because child, the Alp- the boss is here and he does not like to be disturbed while making his weekly check ups", she clears her throat and coughs awkwardly. " Enough chit chat, go inside, take a seat and behave. When the meeting is over you can go for the water", she shoves me through the door and disappears down the hall. I nervously walk to a chair at the back of the room and take a seat. I hate meetings.

I leave the living room about what seemed like ages later but really is just two hours later and head towards the kitchen. The headmistress had a visitor over to speak to us girls about our monthly cycle and abstinence. Like seriously? This is an all girls home which we are not allowed to leave, how the hell are we going to have sex? Unless you're lesbians of course. I sigh.

I finally reach the kitchen and head towards the refrigerator. I pull a bottle water from it and closes it loudly being that I am very frustrated from the previous meeting. My stomach growls and I just now realise that I haven't had anything to eat from noon. I walk to the cupboards on the right and stretches to grab a granola bar from one. I go back to the ball of my feet and begin to tear the wrapper open.

"Sweet baby Jesus, you're smoking", someone says before wolf whistling. I spin around and being the terrible klutz that I didn't know I am, I trip on my own foot so they end up in a very painful and awkward angle causing me to fall forward and land face first on the wooden floor. I groan loudly and then I heard it.

The intruder and my almost killer is laughing her ass off, she is going all out too. She points at me and falls to the floor laughing and rolling around like a maniac. I roll my eyes and narrow my steely glare at her. She suddenly stops, gets up and hesitantly walks towards me with her hands stretch in front of her for me to take.

I ignore her and stands to my feet after picking my bottle water and granola bar from the floor.

"I am terribly sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you, I just wanted to use that line on someone to see, you know, that", she says smiling while pointing her finger at the floor then to me. I narrow my eyes at her and take a step forward. She gulps.

" You mean to tell me that you come in here, frightens me out of my skin, almost killed me and got my snack dirty so that you can see my reaction to your stupid pick up line?", I ask fuming at her.

"Yes?", she asks rather than answers. I shake my head and turn to exit the kitchen.

" Bitch crazy", I mutter before leaving her standing in the kitchen awkwardly.

I hear footsteps rushing towards me and I turn around just in time to see her coming towards me at a pace that couldn't be stopped to avoid collision, I step aside barely avoiding her colliding into me. What the actual f**k?

She tries to control her breathing with her hands on her knees. When she is finish, she stands up and looks at me.

"Hi my name is Julie and I just want to say sorry again for what happened earlier. I was just excited and I could've caused you to hurt yourself and I am so sorry, and I don't want this to be weird or anything but don't take what I said before in the wrong way, I just heard the Bet- the boss's friend saying it to one of the girls earlier and I wanted to try it", she rushes out before gulping down wistful amount of air. I look at her weirdly. The dinner bell rings right at that moment and I start to walk away. I hear her sigh.

"Apology accepted, come on, I don't want to be late to dinner today too. I am way too famished", I reply smiling at her. She smiles too and we make our way to the dining hall.

Maybe I just made my first friend since being here for three years, or maybe not, I can't tell. And whats up with all the cover ups, first there was Miss Stevens and now Julie, I am starting to get curious here and you all know what they say, ' curiosity killed the cat'. But whatever, I'll question that tomorrow.

The Alpha's GemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora