"Hey babe, why are you coming out of Duff's room smiling?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

I punched his shoulder playfully. "I'm giving him another chance, I told him about my shit faced move with Joe and we worked it out."

"Awe, I'm proud of you." He smiled. "Bye Lil."

I waved him a goodbye and walked into Ashley and I's room.

"So, did it work?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, we are going for ice cream at 7." I smiled.

"What are you going to wear?"

"Um, this." I said looking down at my red AC/DC shirt and black jeans.

Ashley rolled her eyes, I'm not dressing up to go out for fucking ice cream.

A few minutes later Slash knocked on the door.

"What's up Slash?" I asked.

"Hey Lil, is Ashley here?"

"Um yea." I replied opening the door wider.

He walked in and they instantly started making out.

"Well I'm just going to leave then." I waved.

I knocked on Izzy's door and got no reply.

"Steven?" I asked knocking on his nope.

No answer.

The next door was Duff's, might as well.


"Come in."

"Can I hang out in here? Ashley and Slash are making out and I have no idea where Steven and Izzy went."

"Of course."

I sat down beside him on the bed and we instantly started talking.


"You remembered my favourite kind of ice cream!"

He nodded and smiled.

I am really surprised he actually remembered.

We sat in the small ice cream parlour, talking and catching up. It's only been 3 days since he cheated on me but it feels like a lifetime.



"Thank you."

"No problem." I smiled.

"I can call you babe again right?"

I just laughed. "Of course you can. I'm sorry for being so harsh, I didn't even give you a chance to explain. But if it happens agai--"

"It won't!" He interrupted.

I felt a comfortable ease wash over me, as if 1 millions pounds have been lifted off my shoulders.

Once we finished our ice cream we began the walk back to the hotel, we were sort of on a time limit since the tour busses were taking off to the next American state.

"There you two are!" Axl yelled. "Guys they're here!"

"You're lucky you guys weren't any longer or Axl will have thrown a shit fit." Slash laughed.

We walked onto the bus where Izzy, Steven and Ashley were sitting smiling.

It's good to see everyone smiling.

A/N listen I know this is chapter shorter than usual but the next part that's going to happen shouldn't really be in the same chapter and I'm trying to update more often so there ya go ;)

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