Losing Her Mind

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None of them have ever seen something so horrifyingly beautiful in their lives.

Each Avenger is engaged in their own separate battle, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers Tyr is throwing at them, never quite able to break free to get to Jay. If Asgard is going to send reinforcements, they can't do it soon enough. Barton is back to back with Steve as they try to clear a path but are progressing by inches, not steps. The Widow and Banner and doing their able best to contain the perimeter of the fighting as Stark zips overhead, picking of strays that the rest of the crew missed. Thor and Loki oddly enough are working together as they once did in their younger days and they are making the most progress towards Tyr and Jay, mostly due to the ferocity with which they fight.

But every so often their view is uninhibited for just long enough to see her.

At first her movements are jerky and awkward with her body under Tyr's control but then it's as if the ancient Vanir magic embedded in the structure itself take over. She soars through the Dance of Sigyn as if she was born only to perform these movements. Even though she is releasing a cataclysmic force that is going to destroy one of the Nine Realms, she is strong and sure and something of the Vanir Queen of old is in her skin as well.

She is sinuous and tireless as her feet move in complicated patterns and her arms flourish in graceful sweeps and dips. The air around her begins to shimmer slightly and Tyr crows his pleased approval, "Finally!"

A pure beam of rainbow light explodes forth from the platform and Jay collapses to her knees as the force of the Bifrost rips through her body and outwards into the stars. Tyr pulls her from the light and holds onto the chains on her arms like he would hold the chains to a dog's collar as he looks up in appreciative awe at the force they have unleashed. He pulls her by the chains, a lifeless mass that responses to his mental commands. He hooks her chains to the pillars again and she sags, depleted, arms spread wide.


Where once a vibrant, evolving, young woman was is now empty and completely devoid of the personality that was Jay Strong. She is fighting Tyr's control with everything that she has but he controls her every movement, from her legs to her toe joints and when she blinks. When she resists, glaring pain greets her in great, crashing waves that drown her resistance and sap any remaining strength she had. She is a prisoner in the corner of her own mind, jailed by Tyr's presence in her head.

He forces her through the first steps of the dance before her blood responds and she moves as if she has always known how to do this, as if Sigyn is not a memory but within her soul, guiding her. She tries to stop her arms from lifting, tries to flex her foot wrong but there is no stopping her memetic legacy.

The worst part of the whole experience is the guilty agony she feels when the portal between worlds opens beneath her feet. The rush of power is intoxicating for a moment before it destroys that last of her mental fortitude. She feels Tyr drag her from the platform and his command in her mind forces her weary limbs to respond and hold her arms up like a good little girl as he chains her to the pillars.

Tyr pats her cheek. "Well done, my beauty," he whispers into her ear and then runs his tongue down her jawline. She wants to shudder in revulsion, to bite off his filthy nose, to gouge his evil eyes out of his smug head, but she can't even move her own eyelashes, his control is so tight.

"I love how you resist me," Tyr purrs against her neck. "Don't worry, darling, we'll have plenty of time to ourselves once I've dispatched your precious Avengers. Oh, and I think I'll save the trickster for last. I can't wait to see the look on his face as I have you execute him."

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