Edge of Oblivion

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"I'm going to have bruises," Loki tells her.

Jay scowls up at him but doesn't relax her grip even a fraction of a millimeter. She does not care if she breaks his freakin' ribs, she is not letting go of her death grip on the trickster god until they are back on solid ground, thank you very much. She thinks she hears Thor chuckle.

This ride is not one of her favorites. First off, it's awkward. She's holding onto Loki, who is holding onto Thor, who is pointing Mjolnir at the sky and the whole configuration ends up looking like a demented barrel of monkeys got tangled on a tool bench. Second, she hates heights so much that they left her stomach somewhere down below about five minutes ago but she still feels nauseous. If this is how Steve felt traveling on the Bifrost then she won't tease him ever again.

They land what seems like an eternity later in the square they'd planned on back in the Tower which seems like days ago. Time passes strange Jay decides. What a fickle bitch Time can be. She giggles darkly to herself. The fact that she can still crack herself up is probably a good thing, right?

They stand back to back in a shaky triangle of mistrust. "Where will Tyr make his move from?" Thor asks Loki. The smaller man narrows his eyes in a calculating way.

"Based on his current trajectory of vengeance it doesn't actually matter. We know who he's going after so we cover the angles," Loki says, answering by not really answering. He takes Jay's arm and pulls her behind him. For once she doesn't scowl at him and protest which is surprising but he doesn't have the time now to question it. "See if you can find Tyr with your mind, Princess," he tells her and he can almost hear her growl at his nickname for her.

The attack comes so swiftly that the three of them are thrown apart.

Tyr comes from above, all maelstrom and blazing orange energy. Jay throws up a telekinetic shield but is too late and the impact of Tyr diving from above like a comet sends her flying backwards. But she's done enough flying backwards lately that she knows what to do. Instead of flailing and letting her brain shut down around pain, she uses the momentum and turns a backflip in midair, landing on her feet in a low crouch, one hand braced on the ground.

Thor pounds Mjolnir into the ground, and a crater ripples outwards from him that she has to jump to avoid. Lightning sparks towards Tyr but he diverts it with his forearm bracer. Loki has regained his feet to her right and she sees green glowing daggers in his hands, held loosely, ready for throwing. A bolt of orange sears towards Thor but Jay throws a chunk of pavement at it and the asphalt breaks apart when the energy collides with it. Tyr's malicious eyes turn her way and she does her best to meet him gaze for gaze.

Tyr bats away a dagger from Loki as he fights his way towards Jay. She doesn't back up an inch and focuses all her efforts on shielding Thor and Loki as they rain attacks down on the berserker god. She throws rubble, uses telekinetic shields, reinforces attacks and tries to read Tyr's thoughts all at the same time. She's surprised to find that instead of being overwhelmed, she feels her own energy building and coalescing and her focus has never been so razor sharp.

Jay sees Loki buckle under the weight of Tyr's overhead assault with his broadsword and without thinking she throws up a telekinetic barrier to stop the sword, dropping all her other activities and defenses. But she sees too late that the attack was a feint and Tyr drops the sword as if in scorn and sends a pulse of brilliant orange magic straight for her unprotected body. She barely has time to react before Thor steps in the attack's path and takes the power meant to destroy her.

The force of the magic burst sends Thor backwards to smash into the base of a building. Jay has her shields back up now but guilt tears her apart because Thor isn't getting back up fast and she can feel in her mind that he's seriously hurt. Tyr sends another wave at her and it cracks the edges of her defense but holds. She's torn, wanting to help Thor but also having to defend herself and aid Loki in trying to take down this brute who has destroyed any chance she had had at a normal life.

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