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In the elevator, Jay puts as much distance between herself and Barton as she can inside a metal tin. She eyes the sonic pulse device in his hand with distaste and wishes it would shatter into a billion pieces. She presses herself against the wall to stay far away from Agent Barton. He looks at her out of the corner of his eyes with a smirk on his face.

"Don't like my company?" the Hawk asks with a fake macho tone.

"I'm afraid I'm not overly fond of it," Jay retorts.

"Why not? Not into the bad boy type?" he jokes.

"I like the power hungry super villains if you must know," she says with a feigned resigned sigh.

He laughs, he can't help himself. "Really? Not what I would have chosen for you."

"Oh? And what would you have picked? Yourself?"

"Well... If you're suggesting, then yes."

"Sorry, arrogance and egotism is not a turn-on for me."

"Really? I find that hard to believe if super villains are your type."

"Guess I'm just picky."

He grins and glances at her again. Despite her joking, there is a strange sort of look in her eye. He can't place it at first but then it dawns on him. She's putting up a front for him. The mocking, joking, rebellious kid routine. Inside she's probably still planning on how she's going to throttle him before they get to the exit. Fury had warned him about her and he'd seen the footage of her from the Tower feeds. She'd surprised Rogers, nearly choked Tony and was far too crafty for her own good.

Soon enough the elevator came to a stop and Jay sighs next to him. "Upset to be leaving my company so soon?" he jests.

"You wish."

The doors have yet to slide open and he sneaks one last glance at her before they leave the elevator and she meets his gaze with raised eyebrows. "Something you wanted to say?" she asks cockily.

He considers for a moment, noting the cynical look she's giving him. "No, let's go."

"Pity, you seemed like such a nice guy," Jay says with a sarcastic laugh.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Agent Barton asks.

"It's sort of my way of apologizing," Jay says. "I'm not really good at apologies."

"Apologizing for what?"


Her elbow flashes upwards and clocks him firmly under the chin, pushing his neck back.  His head slams into the metal elevator wall with a crack. She uses the momentum to swing around and ram her shoulder into his stomach. Momentarily winded and disoriented, Barton barely manages to grab her collar as she ducks to take out his knees. His palm comes up under her chin but she twists and it hits her collarbone instead. She kicks the sonic pulse device out of his hand and it clatters against the metal walls. His hook catches her in the stomach but she manages to crush the device under her heel with a savage sort of satisfaction a vicious, feral grin on her face.

The elevator door pings open and they sprawl out onto the concrete floor of the parking garage. His kick sends her rolling but she grabs his ankle and pulls hard. He doesn't go down but it unbalances him just enough that she has precious few seconds to roll out of reach and come up into a crouch. He's standing across from her, knees slightly bent, at the ready. She opens her mind to his thoughts. He's a highly trained assassin and this may not have been the best fight to pick but she'll be damned if he's going to win. It's about high time that she opened herself up to the possibilities of her mind.

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