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Gabriel loves messing with things. Whether it's the fabric of time, simple things like changing the color of people's hair, anything. Well today was that time of the month again(no, not his period Sam would know they're on the same cycle). It was time for messing with people.

Dean and Cas were currently in the kitchen talking and cooking dinner together sometimes looking longingly into each other's eyes and for a few moments crispy leaf green and cerulean ocean waves would meet and fuse together until they pulled back and stuck with a misty pink to shadow their cheeks lightly. Sure the tension was unbearable to the other two who vacated the house but they knew their brothers just needed a little push. That's what sparked Gabriel's master plan. He and Sam were playing Black Ops cursing and yelling a few 'fuck you's and 'I thought you loved me's were thrown into their colorful banter but that made them smile brighter when they caught each other staring at one another a blush shading their cheeks as well.

It's time. Gabriel thought

Tonight Gabriel was going to do it.

Oh but what could he mean?

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