Lonley lips

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Angel's P.O.V.

After the ride down there, the boys told the other girls the direction to there get away house and I just followed them there. There house was very nice and big.

When I was almost done packing, Niall popped his head into the door way.

"hola" he said walking towards me

"bonjour" I said turning around coming face to face with Niall. Well I didn't know he has that close. I blushed and he did smirking.

"ready for our date?" he said smirking

"sure?" I said but came more like a question

"you lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" he was trying to be so smooth, well I can be smoother. Did I seriously just think that? Wow.

"well, my lips are lonely" I say pouting. I could tell he was shocked by my answer. He leaned in for a kiss and so did I. I slip away right before our lips brush.

"but my lips are anti-social" I say smirking. Behind the door you could hear laughing and why I'm guessing Harry saying 'that poor guy'

I opened the door and in fell the rest of the guys and girls.

"we were totally not coaching Niall on how to be smooth and listen in" Zayn said smiling. I look over to Niall to see that he's very embarrassed and blushing furiously. I walk over to him and do something I would never thought of doing.

(go down more)

(I'm killing you arn't I)

(just a little farther)

(there we go, almost there)

(finish line) lol I just had to do that

I gave him a hug. I heard gasps in the back grounds king me blush.

"your cute when your nervous" I whispered in his ear and the kissing right bellow his ear.

I smirked and stepped back. The look on Niall's face was priceless.

"I'm hungry" I say stepping out of the room.

This trip is gonna be so lovely, I thought smirking. I went into the kitchen and was amazed


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