You are Much Crazier than We Ever Thought!!

Start from the beginning

"S-sensei?" Kuroko asked while keeping his distance from the duo in front of him. The red head cringed when he heard his name, and turned his head slowly while placing whatever was in his hands on his lap.

"Y-You scared me.... Casper!" Said Kagami crinkling his brows, but relaxed after the sight of his students. "What.... Oh! It's just you guys! You all scared me for a second."

Momoi approached Kuroko and noticed the dog beside Kagami, and then looked at her teacher saying: "Sensei you really have a big dog! What kind of breed is it?" Kuroko nodded to Momoi's question, since he was curious as well. It was his first time to see a massive dog such as the one next to his sensei. While the doggy topic was mentioned, Aomine perked up. Despite his appearance, the tanned boy in fact admires dogs intensely, and so he walked over to Momoi and Kuroko forgetting his hateful grudge on the teacher. He eyed the dog, and when he glared at Kagami... the red head suddenly paled.

The teacher began sweating bullets; dog? No way in hell has he ever, or will get one! "Dog? What dog are you talking about?!" Kagami looked at the group with eyes filled with fright. The group all gathered next to Aomine, Kuroko and Momoi. They gave each other quick glances, then Kise pointed at the dog that was still having its back facing to them.

"Uh...That dog. The one who is sitting beside you, sensei." Kise pointed at the black and silver streaks coating its fur, showing how masculine the dog was. Plus, the dog seemed to be taken care of quite well.

Kagami slowly looked and turned at where Kise was pointing, fearing that some dog will appear, and then his eyes fell on the white and black dog. Kagami released a sigh and his eyes softened. That, however, didn't go unnoticed by the group. 'So he can muster that kind of expression,' they thought.

Kagami hugged the dog and nuzzled the it's forehead with his. Adorning the red head's face was a bright grin. "You scared me there, he's no dog; I don't even have a good history with dogs in general."

Aomine then pointed once again at the-not-supposed-to-be-dog, "What is it, then?"

Kagami let go of his beloved and then looked at Aomine, which led to Aomine saying a sarcastic comment, "Oh, Pleeeeeease don't tell me it's a wolf."

The red head teacher kept his mouth shut, and then opened it once again forming a weak smile, "isn't oblivious?"

The teens all froze, and looked at the red head as if he grew another head. Kuroko pointed at the wolf, "You mean that is not a dog, but a...w-w-wolf?" His fingers shook vigorously. Kagami nodded slowly, he then cocked his head to the right and looked at his wolf and back again to the teens; wearing a what's-wrong-with-having-a-wolf-as-a-pet expression. They all thought, YOU HAVE A TRAUMA WITH DOGS, BUT YOU'RE OKAY WITH WOLVES, WHICH ARE DOUBLE THE SIZE OF THE POOR DOGS?!"

Aomine approached Kagami, looking at him with a vague face, and then looked at the wolf and crouched on ground in front of Kagami. Aomine's eyes never left the beast, and he gulped each time he tried to reach his hand to the wolf's fur, but halted every time he heard the deep growls that rumbled from its throat, and shiny teeth being shown every now and then. Kagami just watched the exchange between his wolf and student and smiled. He went for Aomine's hand and squeezed it for reassurance, but Aomine looked at Kagami with disgust.

The tanned boy looked at his teacher who had just smiled, and the red head moved Aomine's hand in front of the wolf's nose and Kagami swung his right arm on the wolf's neck, and kissed his pet's forehead saying, "Calm down will ya?"

The beast shut its eyes and nuzzled its nose on its owner's crook of his neck, and then Kagami positioned himself again; the blue head narrowed his eyes at the scene that was being played in front of him , and kept wondering, 'How did Kagami calm down this animal? It is a wolf for god's sake, not even a dog, really... Just. How. did. He. Tame. The. Beast?!'

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