Getting inside the train, I sit down on the hard, dirty seat, glancing at Daniel, who decided to stand. The train quickly fills up with different people and when the doors finally close, I can't even exhale from relief - there are too many crammed up in here. 

"So, did you miss New York subway?" I ask Daniel, who is looking around, trying not too much or elbow somebody around him. 

"No," he replies, turning his head to me. "At least I have a car in LA and I can go everywhere without relying on the cost of the subway and its position." 

"True," I comment, staring at the people around me, trying to sound normal and not nervous at all, but the worry can't go, it overfills me from the inside, gradually spilling outwards. 

"New York underground is so dirty and full of people." 

"Yeah, bit it's comfortable if you don't want to drive," I say, deciding to end our awkward talk here. Taking out headphones from my pocket, I put them on and put some music on my phone, isolating myself from the outer world and everything that happens there. 

When I listen to music, I feel like I am in a bubble, all by myself. In a small world, where nobody can get to me and where I am not that vulnerable. A tiny, unknown substance fills my body, as I hear the beats pump through the white wires into my ears like a drug through a syringe, into the the person's veins, carrying positive emotions and crazy thoughts. 

Music is my drug and it means the world to me. This is probably the reason for me meeting Martin at a music festival. It could have been anywhere else, if this was meant to happen, but it happened exactly at a music festival, which I've wanted to go to for quite a long time. 

Going to Ultra was the last breath of life I could take and it filled my lungs fully, letting me live longer. After finally letting go of Marcus, I was feeling happy back then. When I've met Martin, my happiness multiplied by a thousand times, making me the happiest person on the whole planet, or even universe. 

It's a shame we don't text each other anymore. It's such a big shame, but I am not going to let it slip. Unlocking my phone, I text him and I decide to take this chance to actually text him a proper, long message, not a stupid, one-word, not-even-a-text message.

I send him this: 

Hey, Martin. Hopefully, you're having fun at all of the beautiful places and awesome raves. Just want to say a "hi", because I really miss you. By the way, we are soon going to get Chris and everything is going to be fine. Please reply xxx

After a long and a very boring ride, of continuous stopping at stations and people getting in and out of the train, we got to our destination. Heading outside, to the daylight and fresh air, I exhale and inhale vigourously. 

Staring at the cafe, in which we are supposed to meet, a quick thought rushes through my mind. The part of our plan is for Daniel to wait for me and if something happens to me, he is going to call the police. However, what if we have nothing to back us up? I unnoticeably take out my phone and press record in the recorder. Whatever Chris says, the police will find out. 

"Call him," Daniel says, as we slowly walk to another cafe. "He should be in the cafe." 

"Shouldn't we just go straight in?" I ask, heading inside. Daniel grabs my wrist, not letting me go. 

"If he starts going too extreme, call me," Daniel explains and I nod. "You won't need calling anyway, I'll be watching you two anyway." 


"Good luck." 

After letting me go, he nods at me and I push the heavy, glass door to go inside. I instantly see him sitting in the farthest corner, smirking at me evilly, making all of my insides turn from worry. His eyes are piercing mine, so intimidating and sly. Slowly, I head to his table and sit at the chair opposite of him. 

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