Chapter 20

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They are coming at me!

A thousand thoughts rush through my head, while I back away, trying to escape the two dark figures. My agility isn't that good and there isn't much space to accelerate in here. I really don't have much choice. As I quickly back away, rushing and trying to get my thoughts together, I stumble on the bed and fall backwards. Way to go! 

The two figures come up to me, taking me by my hands. I try kicking them, but their grip is too strong and I am not powerful enough. They seem to be silent, like they have figured out the plan before going inside the suite. Whatever they were trying to do, it wasn't a good thing. My hands get tied together with a zip tie. 

They leave me on the bed, roughly hurling me, after they have done what they were doing. One of them goes over to my bedside table and I can hear him take my phone. Sitting up, I see how they shut the door loudly. I hear a click coming from the lock, realising, that I am shut in the room, without a mobile phone, my hands tied together. 

I try screaming, calling for someone to let me out, but my throat soon becomes sore and I am pretty sure everyone is asleep. Loud banging and thumps come from the living room and I wonder, what they are doing there. Crawling over, I sit on the floor, my back leaning on the wooden door, trying to hear whatever's happening outside. 

The thumps and bangs soon stop and I can hear the door shut. My eyes are watering from everything, that has happened. I look at the window, which is right opposite me, focusing my gaze on the lights. They twinkle and shine in the night, making the city look like it was decorated with christmas lights. My body hurts from being in the same position for too long, but I don't dare moving. 

I wish Martin was here with me. His comforting touch and soft voice, whispering something gently in my ear. His deep eyes, looking right inside, figuring out my emotions and feelings even faster, than I do. His smile, childish and funny. I wish he would come for me, sooner or later.

The figures seem to suspicious, although they were wrecking the living room, they didn't do any harm to me. It's like, they were instructed to do so by another person or just didn't want to mess with me. The possibilities are endless, especially in this situation. 

Maybe, they are the people, trying to make my life a chaos, the ones that send me notes and poison my drinks? They are surely linked to all these events, someone has to be linked. I just have to figure out, who is linked to those events. 

They have to be someone, who knows me well. Someone, who has known me for years and understands the way my brain works from inside. They should know my reaction to things perfectly, because that's the way they will be able to send me notes and boxes. They also have to be good at psychology, because they should be able to understand people's minds. 

Marcus was good at doing that, but he is gone, so there is only one person left, that could actually do this to me. 


His name burns my mind, making me cringe, as I think of him. He is supposed to be in New York right now and I am in LA. He really wanted to come to New York and got extremely upset, when I told him, that I was leaving with Martin. This seems to suspicious, even when our friendship

Fuck, it all fits, just like a giant puzzle. 

A fit of adrenaline rushes through my veins, making me get up and rush to the bathroom. I try searching for something sharp or just helpful to break free from the zip tie. It's hard, trying to look through my make up bag with sort of one hand. Nothing is sharp enough. Noticing some bobby pins at the bottom, I take one. 

In movies, they can open doors with bobby pins and I am surely not slipping a chance to actually try this method. I stumble back to the bedroom, inserting the bobby pin inside the lock and trying to twist vigourously. No matter how hard I try, it doesn't help. The bobby pin seems to bend inside, making it harder. 

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