Chapter 12 | ✓

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"Aline!" my mother exclaims, pulling me into a close hug. I hug her, not even smiling. My father just stands behind her, staring at me. He never liked me a lot, both of them never did. My mom is just more of an actress, always trying to show more of her emotion

She releases me and I ask her, just out of politeness. "How was your business trip?" 

"It was good," she replies. "We missed you."

"Aww," I say, probably to release awkwardness in this room. Is she being serious right now? They missed me? I bet, if I was with them, which is quite uncertain, they would probably try to get rid of me every time I try to tell them something. 

I remember going on a family trip, when I was fourteen. It wasn't really a family trip, my parents had a business trip and because there was nobody who would babysit me for two weeks, they had to take me with them. 

It was my worst experience ever. When we arrived at the airport, they had just shoved me in a taxi with a random guy and told the driver to drive me to the hotel. The guy turned put to be my bodyguard and I had to use the opportunity to go to on of the malls. I just couldn't not do that, since that the trip was to Hong Kong. All day, I was going round that mall, with Hank, my bodyguard. 

Well, I got a little carried away and bought myself five bags full of clothes and a large bag full of electronics. As well as that, I came to the hotel at about nine at night and my parents were mad at me, because I didn't text them or called them. They shut me in my hotel room, but I didn't really mind. All of the two days I have spent in there, I was setting up my electronics and taking pictures in my new clothes at the balcony, because the background was pretty good there. 

Next five days, my parents were so pissed at me, they even let me do anything I wanted, just so I wouldn't be around them all the time and I took the opportunity. I went to waterparks in malls, did ski in malls, went to the cinema in malls, ate a lot of junk and delicious food and even went to some amusement parks, again inside malls. 

It might have seemed exciting, but the sad part was that I was walking everywhere on my own and my parents totally forgot about me, leaving all the babysitting to Hank. The longest we've probably talked was when my dad shouted at me for not telling them that I have went to the mall. Even the plane flight was silent as hell. 

When I came back, I was so pissed at them, that I didn't talk to them for two weeks - just the time they didn't talk to me. My mom tried persuading me, but it never worked. I was pissed at them for ignoring me and putting a bodyguard to watch all my actions and just not let me out of sight. 

"How was Miami?" my mom squeals. I hate the way she tries to be interested, but surely, deep inside - she is not. 

"Fab," I reply, going upstairs. "My friends invited me for a walk, so I gotta leave." 

"Sure, honey." 

I run upstairs and force my door to open. My table is littered with notes and Marcus' hoodie, which I can't let go of. Opening my closet, I search through it to find something to wear. Actually, nobody invited me for a walk, although I do need to get away from this house for some time. My parents shouldn't know about the notes and Marcus' death, even though they were probably notified about it. 

After five minutes of trying to find something, I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a black, plain t-shirt. The forecast states that it's cold outside, so I put a black hoodie on and my leather jacket. My phone is in my bag already and I leave the house, slamming the door loudly behind me. 

Our street is empty and I head to one of the main streets. I have no idea where I am going, but I just need some fresh air and some distraction. My choices are: cinema, Times Square and the closest park. I stick to the last one, because it's not that far away and it wouldn't take much time. 

Walking slowly, I think about the notes. Why would someone try to do that? I mean, this is too old-school and cliche, plus, it's easier for the police to track them. The notes, the hoodie - all of this is for a reason. Surely, somebody would have a deep reason to do that. 

What if it's because of Marcus' death and that person is grieving? Maybe, he has gone crazy from the grief and can't handle themselves. What if I don't even know them, but how would they know stuff about me so well? How did they know that I can't let go of Marcus? How did they even manage to get into my house? 

Maybe, it's Lynn or Sydney. I have to meet them, after everything that has happened - just to see them and they way they behave around me, although that might just not happen. They can be so fake and such good actresses, that you will never find out the truth that they are hiding. I have seen them do it so much times. 

I remember buying alcohol with them, late night in the closest supermarket. All of us had fake IDs, which were made with such good quality, that even a policeman wouldn't find out that we were underage. We bought a lot of bottles, enough to make the cashier look perplexed and think that we are alcoholics. 

He made us show us our IDs and Sydney tried charming him with her sexuality. She twirled her hair, smiled and came up to him to whisper something in his ear. As she recalled earlier, she told him: "Wanna join us?" The guy didn't really answer anything and just let us off. I guess, she actually lied to us and said something else to him, we just didn't notice it.

We had an amazing night together, drinking so much, that we couldn't even get up in the morning. Luckily, Sydney's parents were not home and we had the house for ourselves the whole day. Later on, Marcus came and brought even more drinks. That time, I wasn't dating him, but was already keeping an eye on him. 

I get to the park and walk around the bare trees and people, either running or doing fast walking. Some smile at me, some pass by without reacting any way. I sit on the bench, inhaling slowly the cool air. It feels so good to be outside for some reason and I have to enjoy it. 


My bed is nice and warm, as I jump into my covers, putting on a TV show on my computer. People nagged me a lot about Scream Queens and I am going to watch them just now. It's raining outside, heavy droplets banging on the roof go our house. My mom and dad are in their offices, working on something extremely important.

The thing is, they never spend evenings together. It's like their life has not romance and all they are focus on is their work, which they do 24/7. I wouldn't want to live a lifestyle like this. Isn't it too boring, to work every single day, apart from each other, never ever saying a single word, until night-time, when both of us fall asleep fast in the bed. 

Snapping back to reality, I notice that I've missed a part of the episode, although I am not going to start again. I watch the show, which turns out to be quite interesting. By the time, I finish watching the last episode, it's somewhat four in the morning. Wow, time flies so quickly, especially when watching TV shows. 

I quickly put my computer away and shut the curtains. My eyes feel like shutting together right now, however I force myself to brush my teeth. Finally, I fall onto my bed weakly and pull myself underneath the covers. At least, I would fall asleep fast this way. 

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