Chapter XVIII

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The next few day's went by extremely slow. When Karl showed up at the door, he was immediately turned away as nobody could put up with him. Lizzie broke a cup when Aaron phoned her to tell her what had happened, lizzoe was genuinly sad. She was able to tell Aaron a little bit about her new job, which was training another sword wielder in japan. It sounded cool, and Aaron promised to come visit when he was done killing one of the devils general's.

The Director Had Mostly rebuilt Shadow Corp, considering how badly Aaron had destroyed the place. Nathan didn't stop training Aaron, him Natasha and Aaron were at the abandoned training grounds every day without fail. Aaron also spent all his nights reading Mr Hayes notes, trying to plan as instructed. Easier said than done.

Every now and then Angelica would give Aaron a cup of tea, saying its the least she could do, after all his mercy to her. Natasha had come in multiple times and seen Aaron swamped under paperwork, head on the desk, sleeping. He had always woken up when she started to hug him. He was trying to find anything that would possibly give a hint to where Azazel was.

He found something useful a couple of minutes later, but had to stuff those notes in his pockets, as Wesley entered the room. "Wanna go kill some demons?" The Director hadn't told him to, he had just decided on his own because "he was bored." Aaron attempted to turn him down, but wes was like a little child on christmas, nothing could
Get in his way.

Wow. Wes had lost it. All of the marbles Aaron assumed Wes had, had moved to mexico. He was grade A nuts. Relentlessly killing random demons, even when Aaron tried to stop him. When he called the Director, the Director told him to run, as soon as possible. Aaron found out why, almost instantaneously when Wesley swung at Aarons phone, slicing it in two. Aaron, who was finally used to things randomly happening and had Excalibur out of it's sheath, blocking Durandal's blow just before it removed his neck.

"Seriously, what the hell are you on wesley?!" Aaron expected him to stop and explain, but no such thing happened. Instead Aaron almost got decapitated again. The Demons that Aaron thout wes had killed, were getting back up, and were surrounding Aaron slowly. This was not fun.

Wes manged to hit Aaron and damn it hurt. In return Aaron, who had memorized the Song of Embers, shot a couple into the crowd, turning the unsuspecting demon crowd into ash. He could see help was on the way, Nathan and Natasha were running towards them, but they wouldnt be quick enough. Aaron hated saying the spell, but started to chant the song of drowning waves.

Wes realised this quickly though, knocking Excalibur out of Aarons hand, and hitting him in the face with the flat of the sword, knocking Aaron to the ground. Looking up at Wes, Aaron thought he was hallucinating. Wes had black wings like natasha. Seconds later wes flew up into the sky and into the distance, clearing any thought of hallucinations. By the time Nathan and Natasha ran up, Aaron's cheek was purple, where Wes had hit him.

"Its not Wesley's fault, he didn't want to attack you" explained Nathan quickly as the director landed, after jumping out of a helicopter that literally had just come round the corner. "A certain Demon Lord, had bribed Wes, "kill Aaron or watch his mum die, and yes, his mother is a demon."

Aaron decided he should probably learn more spells, so he doesn't always have to resort to turning people into a pile of ash. There were a lot to choose from, from attack, defence, and utility, and within them a lot of sub categories. Up until this point Aaron had been using the spells marked out with a sticky note. Except the Dragon's Rage one. That was fun. But dangerous.

Looking at the contents, Aaron realised that Richard (it was hard to think of him as a history teacher at this point, being the closest thing he had had, to family) had organised the book completely. In total there were over 400 spells. Also there was those notes Aaron found earlier, which he decided to show Nathan.

"You wanna make your own spell?! Are you serious?" Merlin had left all the notes needed to create a spell so Aaron thought he could try it out. But to make sure nobody would see it, he would have to borrow the training area again. Telling the Director, made his eyes light up. He asked Arron to use his guns though, if he was experimenting on items, as he didn't want Excalibur being destroyed. Aaron agreed taking the Director's gun case with him.

According to the notes, the easiest types of spell, were the utility ones. That meant spells which aid someone, so enhancing a weapon for example. Then it was defence, invoking shields, and blocking attacks without a sword. The hardest ones were attack, as the end result normally wouldn't stay near you, but instead be near an enemy. So Aaron tried to Imbue the Directors guns.

"Each imbue spell will only work on the item in question, and will only need to be said once, as once the item has been imbued, spirits will reside in the object, ready to re activate the desired effect, when the owner asks. This is also how you would create a catalyst."

Aaron taking that into consideration, started to think about what he wanted the Directors guns to do. He was in the middle of the training area, with Nathan watching from the stands. He decided he wanted any bullets loaded into the gun, to become enhanced with fire. Now he had an object, and a purpose. Now he just needed a spell. It didnt need to be fancy, as he would only need it once.

Thinking of the gun, made the spirits in his ring flow throughout his body, and words filled his head. All Nathan heard was Aaron muttering to himself like a lunatic:

"A beam of light, stabbing pain, guns only purpose to maim, rip enemy's open, burn inside, make your foes cry goodbye!"

A golden light shot from Aaron's hand, and into the guns, as a golden inscription burned its way into the side of the weapons. Nathan called the Director down to inspect his weapons. He was down in a flash, and when he saw his guns it was as if Aaron had just given him a brand new gift. He fired them off, but instead of the fire Aaron had thought of, the bullets had taken the same form as the beams from the Dragons Rage spell.

The Director loved it. He actually hugged Aaron. He spent the rest of the day, getting used to it, as the guns were now lighter but had a harder recoil. But hey, the director atleast had fun. And Aaron could actually make spells. He was gonna enjoy this...

_________]End of Chapter 18[__________

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