The Senator's Apartment

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Anakin and Padme stood in the courtyard, looking out onto the city.

"Its been ages." whispered Padme

"I know," Anakin replied. He shut his eyes tightly for a moment and held back what looked like a tear, "I feel lost without you, I don't know how long I can stand being without you anymore"

Anakin smiled and looked fondly into Anakin's eyes, she stepped forward and affectionately touched his growing hair, "We are with each other now, we should cherish these moments, we don't know how long they may last"

They hugged each other tightly, almost like they could slip away from each other at any moment.


"Hello!" It was Obi-Wan. 

3PO got up and walked towards the door. "Ms. Padme, oh my! It's Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi! 3PO awkwardly opened the door. 

"Well rust my circuits, it is you! Master Kenobi, come in. Ms. Padme and Master Anakin are eating in the courtyard; there is food for you as well."

"3PO, how lovely to see you again." Obi-Wan nodded to C3PO who lead him to the courtyard.

Anakin and Padme were sitting at the marble table by the fountain. They had already started eating the devine smelling, high - end food, and had saved a spot for Obi-wan, in between them.

"Thank you for letting me come."

"It's our pleasure", Anakin replied.

 "Uh, my pleasure, " Padme corrected. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

"I'm eager to hear all the details about how you plan to resolve this issue without war? I'd also much like to here what you too have been up to for a year." Padme began. 

Anakin took a deep breath and looked at his feet. He began shuffling them, and looked up briefly to Obi-Wan, and quickly back down again. Obi-Wan understood that he was to explain.

"Well Anakin and I were thinking about this extensively," He cleared his throat. "Hmm, uh, by the way, where did you get this, this is amazing?"

"Oh, Dorme cooked it for us, right Dorme?" Dorme came from one of the many rooms and nodded. "Dorme, it's wonderful thank you. Get some rest, you deserve it. Thank you very much". She went to her quarters to sleep.

Anakin began to become very uncomfortable, I mean VERY uncomfortable. He was moving his head around for search of something to focus on, but kept going back to Padme's shining eyes, and then looked back at his shoes, for the hurt was too great. He was confused, lost, and sad. A fire had ignited in his heart and was burning through his eyes. The pain was simply too great to bear. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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