fangirl stories & marking territories

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lmao vote you snakes i can see that you're reading show your bitch some support smh


Someone clicking their tongue in the background could be heard in the dim-lit room, and the narration stopped. In that moment, no one could've been sure what felt scarier- the fact that the flow came to an abrupt end (and not even forces like homeboy Willy Shake were able to reconnect sometimes with the mystery that is inspiration), or the fact that a mere existing thing was about to critique the work of the century.

"Too unprofessional," they said, "there are other things that could be ridden in chapter six and I'm not going to waste this in the prologue."  

"Girl, all you do all day is standing in front of that computer. It's like you don't even have a stomach."

"You come into my house-"

"We share this."

"You come into my basement, you insult my anatomy-"

The red-haired one hundred and something pound of muscle took a side glance at her work, the ending piece elaborated in three impactful words - #DeanTopsLOL and wondered if it was safe to say that was no fangirl story.  

"Say what you want me to do." Dean growled, "Beg for me kitten."

  "At least now I have new interests!" she puffed out in the frustration of being too broke to hit a wall, "or do you want me to go back to my old phase?"  

  "It's really deep and realistic, okay? With lots of unique stuff that's going on over there." she managed to explain. With the help of frantic hand movements leading to everywhere of course.   

 "Over there in your vagina?"  

"Carolina, you'll never believe this." 


  "Trust the fic, Joan. It will come in handy."   

  "Trust the fic." Joan repeated with a weary expression upon seeing Carolina's face, coming up with a realisation that should have hit her from the beginning of their road to dream fulfilling.

  "You know what H? You know why you should hire us?"   

"Well to be quite honest that's what I'm trying to find out."

"Oh no." Joan whispered with her eyes as big as Carolina's thirst. "Oh no he didn't. Better say your prayers man because the storm is coming." she said, removing Carolina's hoops from her ears. No one sassed Carolina Maria Julia Omelette du Fromage Jambala and got away with it.

 "I will not be corrupted and I refuse to listen to any of you." 

It's okay, I'm okay. 

"Glad I'm still your best friend in your little fantasy too." 

She observed how Carolina's smile widened in their presence. 

... Or was she?

She couldn't help but wonder.

"I understand, I'll do it."


 Whispering could be heard echoing in the room, along with rushed tones and glancing looks at the pair. Paul - or Home Horoscope Hat locked eyes with the brunette on top of Carolina and she felt the adrenaline rush squeezing its way past her milking bags and where her heart once was, the sensation rolling and splattering all over her like the inside of a washing machine - and it all felt settled at once.  

Typical WWE Fanfic MomentsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя