Chapter 8

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Luke's secretary could hardly even register you storming into his office, barely managing to open her mouth and rise to her feet before the glass door clicked behind you, isolating the argument everyone in the office felt was about to erupt.

Your fury had you so focused on your aching heart, that you didn't even notice a presence of someone else in Luke's large office.

"You're suing me?!" Was all you said, knowing too well that you might erupt with emotion at any second if you spoke too much. So instead, you just stared down at him, as his confused eyes skimmed through the papers you'd dropped on his desk, his mouth barely letting any stuttering words out.

"I didn't- I don't know- I-," you watched as Luke frowned, the information on the document was slowly registering in his mind.

"What the fuck is this?" He finally spoke up standing up from his chair, his face now twisted more in anger than confusion, as he stared at someone across the office, way behind you.

Feeling slightly confused about his sudden outburst for a second, you turned around to see the person Luke directed his attention to now, instantly feeling a new wave of anger wash over you, as your eyes settled on Liz's calm face.

She stood up slowly, taking her glasses off her nose and leaving it to hang over her chest. "I believe that is a lawsuit," she commented so calmly, it made your blood boil even more.

Clenching your jaw, you turned to look at Luke. You clenched your bag in your slippery palm, trying to get a grip of yourself before your emotions come bursting out of you. Staying silent, you coldly eyed Luke, watching his expression slowly soften form an angry one into a pleading one. His lips parted to say something, but before he could even let out a single sound, you turned around and left his office without another word. That's how little you cared about what he had to say.

It's not like you didn't have anything to say, either. Hell, you had way too much, but seeing that lawsuit that morning felt worse than finding out your husband's been cheating on you. The physical bond between you and Luke has been broken for years, but everything you did up to this day was to protect him. Up to this day you would have gone through fire for him, if only he was left untouched. Up to this day you alone carried the pain and the secrets that should have been shared by the two of you. Up to this day you thought he was doing the same for you.

Was he not there yesterday when your honour was thrown out of the window when your fiancée slammed the doors in your face? Was he not standing shirtless behind you, sending snarky remarks and fuelling the already openly burning fire between you and your ex? Was he not the one who refused to let you go in the first place?

You left the office in what felt like seconds, leaving Luke stood frozen still behind his office desk, his eyes following you through the glass doors of his personal office until you turned the corner and were out of sight.

It still took him another second to finally speak up, and yet another second for his body to register the signals his brain were sending him.

"What the fuck is this lawsuit?" Luke roared at his mother again, the tone of his voice slapping the sleazy smile off of her face. Luke glared at her, as she fixed her position.

"She cannot play you like this, Luke," she spoke; her words quiet yet firm, making Luke furrow his eyebrows.

"Play me like what?"

"She is in no position to divorce you. I tried explaining this to her nicely, but she refused to listen-"

"You spoke to her? When?" Luke thought back to the few times you insisted his mother was the mastermind behind all of your problems, the few times he told you to – in short – shove it up your ass.

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