Chapter 6

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Luke's eyes weren't even angry anymore. You've seen that look once before. It was the same one Luke held, when he watched Calum, his trusted business partner, leave your naked self in a bed Luke paid for. It was a look of complete and utter betrayal.

For a moment, you simply stood there staring at Luke. Your legs were planted in the ground and you could barely fathom the fact that he just asked you to leave.

"I said leave," Luke repeated firmly, after you stayed silent. "The door is right there, do you also need me to open them for you—"

"Jesus Christ, Luke," you finally spoke, breathing out heavily. You tried your best to put words into sentences to express your exact thoughts, but somehow, nothing came.

Luke watched you, his face masking the burning anger he felt with his whole being. Luke's chest was slightly heaving with weighty breaths, while he tried to slow down his heart that was slamming hard against his ribs. Who knew kicking you out would release this much adrenalin into his blood.

"You know I can't do that, right?" You spoke again, sternly yet softly, as to not anger Luke anymore. You stood taller on your feet, straightening out the shoulders that were peviously slumped in defeat. "I'm still one of this company's lawyers, Luke. My duties here do not end with our divorce and I do still own a share of this company. So when its name is challenged, it is my responsibility to stay here and defend it," you continued, looking Luke straight in the eye. His mind was racing, which distracted him from the violent beating of his heart.

"Plus," you added in, "This case involves me personally, so don't think I'll just let someone else handle it," you paused to let the words sink it. "I'm not going anywhere, Luke." Considering the ten months Luke hadn't seen you before you just appeared in his home unannounced, your words held double meaning.

Luke huffed in response; a quick annoyed eye roll didn't slip by unnoticed by you, either. He shifted on his feet, his eyes fixed away from you and on the wall, as his tongue brushed his lips, while he tried to gather his thoughts.

"You are the reason my company's name is challenged in the first place," he argued, looking at the ground. You saw how his eyebrows furrowed in thought and his shoulders slumped a little, as if a heavy weight was placed on them. And when his eyes finally met yours all you could see was pain. A wave of guilt pricked at your chest, when you realised you were the one who caused it.

The realisation washed over you and you felt your knees struggle to hold you up. "I'm sorry," you heard yourself whisper before you could catch your lips moving. "I'm sorry, Luke," you repeated again, now a little bit louder. "I didn't think this could ever catch up to me like that. I thought that once I paid it all back, it will all be gone and long forgotten," you spoke louder and louder, the words coming out in a quick manner. "And your mum—she said she'll fix it, when it reappeared last year and when—"

"What the fuck you're on about?" Luke stared at you with furrowed eyebrows, his face now crunched in confusion rather than hurt. "This was signed two days before you left," Luke nodded towards the file you'd previously dropped on the table that was now balancing on its edge.

Quickly, you picked it up again, your eyes scanning the document you've read and reread not less than five times in the dim light of a cold basement all those years ago. "This isn't— I don't understand— What the—" you kept mumbling under your breath, as your eyes examined every bit of information line by line.

"This is bullshit, Luke," you finally spoke up after another minute. "I didn't sign anything before I left," shaking your head in both confusion and denial, you added. "And I most definitely didn't sign this," you concluded, your eyes now fixating and analysing every single word printed on the page.

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