Chap. 1 ~ Jensen "Corny" Collins

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James Marsden as Corny Collins(Duh)

Corny's POV

Stay asleep. Maybe it'll go away.


What the actual hell...I might as well get up. I groan and roll over, falling off my bed as I hit the floor with a thump. I breathe out a long sigh and hoist myself up slowly, squinting my eyes.

I yawn loudly and look around and my eyes land on my raggedy black clock. 6:36am. I get to my feet and stretch, running my hands through my hair. I walk into the all white bathroom and start the shower. In the process, I take off my pajama pants and start to brush my teeth. I hop in the shower, screeching very manly, as the cold water hits my chest.

The water warms up and I wash my hair and finally wash myself, cut the water off, and wrap a towel around my waist.

I walk back into my small room and go to my drawers, taking out boxers and socks. I go to my closet and pick out a white t-shirt with black jeans and a black leather jacket and black/white converse. I throw on my clothes and walk back into the bathroom.

For my hair, I simply comb half of it to one side in a part and comb it back and leave the rest to flow freely. I take one last look at myself in the mirror before applying deodorant and winking at myself in the mirror.

"Damn, Corny. You look good." I smirk at myself and grab my book bag and hop down the stairs.


"Why is it when I ask for something, the answer is no, but when Corny or Zach ask--"

My mom's sentence was cut off with a slap to the face. She yelps out and cries, falling to the ground. I grab a soda from the fridge and leave the house, not daring to step in the way of my father.

Did that before. Got a long ass scar around my side for it too. Never again. But, I love my momma though. I jump in my black Chevy pickup and start the engine, pulling out of the driveway, and head to school.

I roll down the window as I light a cigarette and smoke it. Couple minutes later, I pull up to Baltimore High School and sit in the parking lot and finish my cigarette.

From the distance, I see a rundown brown Toyota SG pull under a tree. Curious, I watch as I wonder who would ride in that ugly piece of shit.

To my amazement and shock, a pair of thick black legs come from the driver's seat. Followed by a thick, and beautiful girl. Beautiful? Nah, that wasn't the word. Ugly, disgusting is more like it.

I watch as the girl gets out of the truck and stands where she is, not moving. I throw my cigarette on the ground as my friends come up to me.

"Ey, look. It's Corny. How's it hangin', slider?" My good friend, Mikey says.

I shrug and continue to stare at the girl.
"Good. Parents fightin' again. Same ole shit everyday."

His younger brother, Brad comes up to me and curls his lip in disgust.

"You saw it too? Thought I was the only one."

I snap my eyes to him and frown.
"Saw it? What it?"

Brad fixes his jacket and gets out a black comb and fixes his hair in my side view mirror.
"The monkey. By the brown Toyota. You saw her & that's who yer lookin' at. Ain't it?" He peers up at me, waiting for an answer.

I open my mouth, but Mikey comes and pushes Brad into the mirror, making him break the mirror.

"Oh c'mon! What the fuck, Mikey?!" Brad exclaims and starts pushing Mikey and couple seconds later, they're into it.

I shake my head and cut the engine and get out, grabbing my bag. I shut and lock the door and peer over to the girl and see her gone.

I walk up to the school, deciding to go around back, as I see my ex, Cynthia. God her name just brings shivers. Worst lay I ever had.

I walk around to the back and stop as I see the girl. She looks up and her eyes meet mine for a second and cast down to the ground. I walk up to her and she stands her ground.

"Who are you?" I ask. I look her up and down, examining her. She wears a blue floral print dress with black flats and her hair is pinned up.

"I ain't gotta speak to you." She crosses her arms and I look around before talking to her.

"Listen...I ain't one of ya friends and I ain't ever gon' be one of ya friends. Take that attitude somewhere else. You hear me?" I snarl and she looks up, only to be smiling.

"Yeah. Clear as that dirt stain on your shirt. I ain't scared of you. Cause I done seen what y'all do to people like me. But I still ain't scared."

I step back and clench my jaw.

"Jus' stay away from me." I go to walk away, but she replies with a smart comment.

"I wasn't the one who came up to you. You came up to me." She spins around and walks into the school, like nothing even happened.

I stand there dumbfounded and try to clear everything up. I walk away, shaking my head.


Alright. So I decided since "Hairspray" is one of my favorite movies that I would write about Corny & Maybelle and how they "met" in their early years. Yes I know it's a little different, but I wasn't there in the mid 30s. If you like this and think I should continue, comment, vote, and share :D

- FutureActress__

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