When Kakashi landed in another clearing, Sasuke shot out from his hiding place and settled on the opposite side.

Naruto was quietly watching from the trees. He examined Sasuke's stance, knees slightly bent, feet spread, leaning slightly forward, and hands up.

'Not bad, not bad at all. There are a few minor details that need to be fixed. But overall his stance is almost perfect.' Naruto smiled,  'Cool!'

Kakashi got into his stance. His was perfect, and Naruto knew it, for he had helped Kakashi fix it.

Sasuke crouched low, then took off, throwing a set of kunai and shuriken. Kakashi threw his own, countering each weapon. Sasuke dashed toward Kakashi, sending a punch to his face. Kakashi blocked with his right, Sasuke twisted and tried to kick the side of the silver man's head. Kakashi blocked with his left.

When the raven tried to punch with his free hand. Before it impacted, Kakashi let go of both the boy's ankle and hand. He lightly punch Sasuke's shoulder, sending his arm off course.

Sasuke lept back, while doing so, he began to form hand seals. When his hands ended on the Tiger seal, Naruto's eyes widened.

'No way in hell can he preform that jutsu, his chakra reserves shouldn't be big enough yet!'

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" Sasuke sent out a large fire ball toward Kakashi, which Kakashi dodged.

'He's rather proficient in taijutsu, and can improvise. He also can do a fire style jutsu. This is good!'

Kakashi looked over to where Naruto was watching. Naruto's eyes could be seen past the leaves, if you knew where to look. They held a look of interest and satisfaction.

Kakashi disappeared from his spot. Sasuke looked around frantically.

'Where is he?' Sasuke turned a 360. 'Above? No.....Below!'

Kakashi's hand broke through the ground. He pulled Sasuke under the earth saying "Doton: Shinju Zanshu no Jutsu!"

Naruto smiled, remembering how, when he first entered ANBU, Kakashi had tested him, and he was caught by the same exact move.

Kakashi stood up and shunshined to the memorial rock, where Naruto had placed a clone.

A few minutes later, Sakura passed by. Upon seeing her "Beloved Sasuke's" head sticking out of the ground, she again, screamed and fainted.

Sasuke sweatdropped, thinking, 'You have to be freaking kidding me. Why do I have her on my team?'

Naruto landed next to Sasuke and surveyed the raven.

"Help me dope." Sasuke said, struggling to get out.

Naruto could have easily used "Doton: Mongurgakure no Jutsu" (Earth style: Hidden Mole Technique) and gotten the Uchiha out. But instead, he decided to be a jerk and acted stupid.

"Eh~! But how?"

"Oh I don't know, help get me out?" (Note the sarcasm.)

"How? I don't see a hand I can pull on. Wait!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's head and started to pull.

"Ow. Ow. Ow ow ow ow! Hey, stop it dope! You're gonna pull my head off if you keep doing that!"

Naruto let go and looked down at Sasuke. "How else will I get you out? I don't know any elemental jutsus yet."

"Lair. You know almost over 50 different elemental jutsus."

'Ya, but I can't blow my cover in front of him, now can I?'

"You're having fun, aren't you Kit?"

'Hehehehe. Ye~up!'

Naruto resumed pulling on Sasuke's head.

*about 20 minutes later*

Sasuke finally popped out of the earth, and Naruto sat down panting.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, thinking, 'He's either way too smart or way too stupid. Cuz I'm feeling like I imagined that conversation yesterday.'

"Oh ya, have you figured out the purpose of the exercise yet?" Naruto asked.

"Get the bells, that's all I can think of."

"No that's the objective, what's the lesson?"

"I don't know."

"Fine, here, why do you think there are only two bells?"

Sasuke racked his brain but could not find a reasonable answer.

"Do you have an idea?"

"Hehehe. He's not admitting that he doesn't know."

'Ya I know right, this is great.'

"I don't know working together to complete the mission? I forgot the word." Naruto said lamely, rubbing the back of his head

"It's called teamwork." Sasuke said sweatdropping. 'Is he really that stupid? I hope not.'

"Well why don't we give it a try?" Naruto asked, tilting his head.

Sasuke thought for a minute. "Sure why not. It that's not the right answer we can still try after lunch."

"Okay, then let's try and wake up Sakura-chan."

With that, their plan was set into action.


Hey Mistmoon12 here!

I'm gonna continue the bell test in the next chapter, cuz this one turned out to be longer than I expected. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter!


The Crimson FoxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin