Dusty Old Books

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Pinkiamenia Dawn Pie was a name known by many ponies.  Unfortunately, it wasn't just because she was the personal student of Princess Celestia.  Many ponies knew this pink ball of energy because of her extravaganzas.  These extravaganzas were over-the-top parties full of everything one could imagine.  Yes, even the kitchen sink.  They were so full of extreme items, that ponies who can say they have attended such a party would call it anything but.

Rumor was, Princess Celestia had taken on this filly as a protégé, not because her magic was impressive, but because her magic was as willy-nelly as the foal herself.   Many Canterlot nobles are now very pleased with their kind ruler, for the princess has recently cut back on Pinkie's 'parties' and other antics.   The now full grown mare goes by her middle name, Dawn, because it seems more fit for a unicorn of her caliber. (And it definitely had nothing to do with Prince Flash Sentry at all.). Nowadays, she spends most of her time learning spells and organizing extravaganzas.  She hasn't gotten to put one into existence for some time though. 

One particular day, the one before the Summer Sun Celebration, she was researching essential party elements with her assistant dragon, Gummy, when he came across a book titled, "Elements of Harmony."

"Hey Dawn! This one looks interesting." Gummy called as he hopped down from the shelf he had been standing on.

Grabbing the book from him with her telekinesis, Dawn brought it over to a stand.  She wasn't planning on having to focus on hovering the book and flipping through its pages at the same time. Magic might be part of her cutiemark, but that didn't mean she used it all the time.  Dawn glanced at the cover before opening and commented, "Elements of Harmony....hmm, maybe it has something to do with singing? That would be a GREAT addition to our summer celebration."

"I didn't know Princess Celestia put you in charge of the Summer Sun Celebration." Gummy remarked as he watch Dawn flip through the book.

"She didn't. At least not yet. But one of these days, she might give me the privilege and I'll be ready!" Dawn stopped her flipping when she noticed something. It was something about a "Mare in the Moon." Getting sidetracked, the party-planner thought about how there was surely going to be some good songs for a Nightmare Night party here. Hopefully the end result would be worth going through such dusty books. Dawn sneezed from all the mentioned dust, causing the words below the title to make themselves clearer.

Unfortunately, this wasn't a book about singing, but boy did it have some important information in it about an impending incident. Reading aloud so Gummy could hear her findings, Dawn started from the top of the page. "The Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!" Dawn did a happy dance. Well, it looked like a happy dance, but it was really a nervouscited dance. "Oooh, I got to tell the princess right away! Gummy! Where's the paper?"

"Wait? Right now?" Gummy questioned, "Maybe you should wait, the Princess is kind of working on the Summer Sun Celebration right now. Maybe you could tell her in a week?"

"That's just it, Gum! The thousandth year of the longest day is the Summer Sun Celebration! There's not a moment to spare."

"Okaaaay. Whatever. I'll write, you talk."

"My Dearest Teacher," Dawn started, "I write to inform you that we are on the precipce of disater!"

Gummy interuptted her, "Prec-Precip....uh?"

"....Huh. I don't know." Dawn realized, her randomness coming to light. "That word came out of nowhere. Brink. B-r-i-n-k. Brink. Use that instead."

Gummy nodded, scratching out the other word and inserting the new one.

Dawn continued. "For you see, while I was researching essential party elements, I discovered that the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon.  She's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this awful prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Pinkiamenia Dawn Pie."

"...Pie."  Gummy muttered.  "All finished."

"Send it to the princess."

"Are you sure?"

"Gu---ummy.  We already went over this."

"Fine."  He held it up and breathed fire onto it. Through some type of magic that had been placed on the assistant dragon, the parchment was transported to the Princess, where ever she may be at the moment.  "There, you happy?"

"Very.  I know the princess will want to take immediate action."

Seconds later, Gummy burped.

"See!  I told you she'd want to do something about this."  Dawn exclaimed, stamping her hoof for empahasis.  Through her earth-pony-related-magic heritage, the stomp activated her horn and set her floating through the air.  "Whoo!  Hey Gum, read it to me?"

The dragon nodded his head, cleared his throat, and began to read.  "Dear Dawn,  You know that I admire your deadication to planning, and that I value your magical discoveries,"

Dawn cheered.

"-But when did you start reading dusty old books?"

Dawn crashed into a nearby book shelf.  He magic cut out and she was on the ground in seconds, covered by a large pile of the aformentioned 'dusty old books'.    "What?" She gaped.  "I thought she'd be proud I read a book not about party planning."

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