The Best Polisee

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They were too late.

Their double take resulted in all six mares landing in a dark cave. It appeared they were trapped. The way they came in had caved, so flying out was out of the question. They began their trek on hoof throughout the cavern. They didn't have to look far, however, for there was a clear exit not far from where they had landed.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow Zap cheered, running as fast as she could towards there.

Fleur, however, was faster and put herself right between the perceived exit and the dashing mare. "Stop!" She cried, bracing herself for impact.

Thankfully Rainbow stopped just inches from the yellow mare.

Dawn stepped forward to confront the pink-maned pony.  "Why?"

Fleur didn't have time to respond; it was too late.  They had been awakened.  A large swarm of bats seemed to explode from the 'sunshine-and-rainbows' opening.  Rarity yelped as a specific one got a little close.   The bats all had beady red eyes and sharp fangs. As soon as they realized it, Dawn and Twilight called out loudly, "Vamponies!" And began to try to escape the swarm with their friends. 

The wall that the bats made was too wide and too swift for the girls to get through, however.  They were forced to stick close to each other, the area where they stood seemed to get tighter and tighter.  Suddenly, in a smooth wave of darkness, the bats transformed into pony-like creatures.  The only real differences being the shape of their eyes, the shape of their wings, and the presence of their fangs.  The shade of their coats and the shade of their hair had a large range, though all were a dark shade. Their snake like eyes all matched in the color of blood red.

One of the vamponies stepped forward. She was a mare with a royal blue coat and a fiery red hair. "Well, well, well, look what the mutt dragged in."  Her voice was ruffled silk.  "It's the rabid ponies that destroyed everything."

"I didn't drag them in, Calleen!" A hovering vampony interrupted. .

"I wassn't talking about you, Theemudd." She exclaimed indignantly. "It's an expresssion!"

"Excuse ma'am." Rarity interjected, "what exactly did we ruin?" She used her hoof to gestures to her fellow ponies.

"Our job, our lifesstyle, our freedom, that'ss what." Calleen answered, predatorily walking around the ponies. "It wassn't that bad at first, you poniess didn't sseem to mind our protection." She sneered. "But you jusst had to go and make up sscary sstoriess about uss vampss. SScare the foalss into fearing uss.

"Yess, they were jusst sstoriess like one could tell about a unicorn or a pegasuss, but the kidss believed them!" Enraged, the mare took to the air in a single flap. "It began small." She stopped hissing as her anger grew. "Teens throwing the occasional piece of garlic or a stone with a threatening message." She flew close to Twilight, whispering in her ear. "We never undersstood the garlic, we only avoided those because of the ssmell."

The purple pegasus jumped back in surprise at the closeness.

Calleen flew above the ponies. "But it grew, until vamponies were openly mocked and physically hurt. Nopony did anything about it. Even our fellow royal guards laughed at us. We were forced to go into hiding, far away from the ponies, until our princess redeems us."

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