Chapter 6

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Jonathan's POV~

I woke up thinking last night was just a dream, until I felt something or someone moving next to me. I looked over to see Evan staring at me smiling, "hello" he said. " hello" I said smiling back, " so did you enjoy last night?" He asked me looking worried. " if I didn't enjoy, it would I do this?" I asked kissing him with passion. " umm I think you should do it again" he replied grinning at me. I lean forward acting like I'm going to kiss him, but back off "no can do in going to take a shower, than going to see Craig." I said smirking "oh you little tease" he said "well are you going to join me or what" I said walking off. I heard him jump off the bed and walked up to me, " oh you know I am" he said giving me a quick kiss before jumping in the shower with me.

Unknown's POV~

They think they are so clever, but I hacked into Jon's cameras he has and I'm about to post their little make out session on the internet for the whole world to see. Let's see how you like this H2oVanoss when your personal life is out online. " hey what you doing Lui?" David said behind me. "Oh nothing just watching some videos, why what's up?" I said back. "Just wanted to know" he said walking off, well I really hope you like this for taking my man, bitch.

A/N- what it's Lui!?! I hope you like this chapter, comment what you think. I know it sucks, but hey I'm trying here. Did you think if was Lui? And also thank you for all the reads, votes, etc; I really appreciate them. I also know this chapter is kinda shorter than my other ones, but this is really just a filler in because I'm still recovering from getting my wisdom teeth pulled out so yeah sorry. Thank you! 😊😊

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