Head Gamemaker

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Head Gamemaker (ShadowBenderDrake)

Name: Drakosa Umbras (Drake for short)

Appearance: Tall (6' 5") one black eye (the iris, he wasn't punched in the face) and one red and purple eye. Muscular with jet black hair that shines blue in the sun

Romance: None

Family: None

Intro: It was the day of the reaping, and Drakosa couldn't have been happier. He had been chosen to be Head Gamemaker. Never in all his life had he thought he would have actually gotten chosen for the job.

Drake had decided to go to his favorite district for their reaping to see who the lucky contestants would be. once they arrived at district 9 he had started to regret his decision. The air was rather rank, nothing like in the capitol where the air was sweet and pleasant. Oh well he thought. I'm here so no turning back until the end of the reaping. He had always loved district 9 because they produced so many different types of grain, and in turn flour which was essential to his favorite hobby, baking. This gave him (unlike most other people in the capital ) an appreciation for the district's work.

The district's reaping was getting ready to take place, and he was ready. To his surprise he heard over the loud speakers the voice of the escort say his name and introduce him in as an honored guest. But when he walked onto the makeshift stage, he heard the escort mention that he was the head gamemaker and would get the honor of drawing out the first name. He could practically feel the angry glares and hatred that emanated from the crowd. They were like daggers, hundreds of them, icy daggers, all stabbing into him at once. This couldn't have possibly made him any more uneasy.

The escort ushered him to the mic to speak. He didn't have much to say though, but he realized that resisting was pointless. He got up to the mic and started to talk, "Hello district of grain. I don't have much I can say because I was caught off guard with this. One thing I can say though, is that I am most appreciative of your services to the capital. You grow the finest of grain across the whole continent. And I thank you for that." He noticed all of the second glancing the people were doing. He was used to it though. His eyes seemed to have that effect on people. Drake then proceeded over to the large gold vase that contained all of the names of the male tributes. All of a sudden his palms and forehead got sweaty with anticipation- no that wasn't it... The feeling was more of-- fear...

He found this odd though. There were plenty of Peacekeepers, and he was on a raised stage but still, the glares made him impossibly uneasy. Finally, Drakosa thrust his arm into the vase and grabbed a random slip of paper. "Asher Brix."

Drake heard several small gasps throughout the crowd. Then he eyed an old woman with tears streaming down her face. But, something was wrong. The boy didn't show, no one stepped forward from the crowd. Drake was confused so he looked to the escort, she shrugged and looked out over the crowd. There was a rustling in the crowd and Drakosa heard a young man trying to leave, he told the Peacekeepers he could find Brix so they let him go.

He came back awhile later with another young man who rushed to the stage. He stood in front of Drake, who was dumbfounded. He couldn't help but notice this boys icy blue eyes glaring at him. Drake had only ever seen contacts the same color in the capitol.

The old woman tried to get to the stage but was stopped by 2 Peacekeepers. The escort then called out the female tributes name, and Drake left for the train.

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