"Yamcha!" Everybody yelled in fear when they saw Yamcha falling down, towards the deadly liquid, but just in the right moment the teen pulled himself together and managed to grab the tip of the devil's tongue. He strongly held the tip of the tongue when he saw a large shadow, he glance up only to see the mummy smirking

"Get up! It's no fun if I win this so quickly" Said the mummy as he chuckled at Yamcha who angrily scowled at the mummy for mocking him, once again. The ex-bandit quickly climbed on the tongue and while he tried to catch a breath he cleaned the blood under his mouth

"Grhh... I-I can't believe how strong and fast he is!" Thought Yamcha as a drop of sweat fell from his forehead while he stared at the mummy who just kept mocking him with that smirk on his face. While he was lost in his thoughts one person from the group shouted at Yamcha which snapped him out

"What are you doing!? Go take care of that bandaged jerk!" Shouted Bulma at her boyfriend for taking this long to beat a man in bandages. She waved around with her closed fist which made Krillin back away from her a little, he didn't want to be punched in the head. While she was rambling, Bardock who was behind the group and leaned on the wall didn't bother that much with this battle. He wasn't interested in any of them, he was already disappointed with his previous fights and the only thing he was looking forward to was his son battle. So while the saiyan remained behind with his eyes closed, Yamcha was about to once again try and assault the Mummy

"Try to block this, WOLF-FANG FIST!" Yamcha attacked his opponent, but this time with his signature move. He went for the Mummy's face, but his opponent easily avoided, he then tried to kick him which was once again avoided as Mummy leaned back. Yamcha unleashed a barrage of fists but before he could close up to his opponent, he received a kick in the legs which caused him to fall on the floor. Yamcha grunted in pain from the fall without realizing that his opponent was above him. The Mummy was falling from above and with a knee landed on Yamcha's abdomen. Yamcha yelled in pain while the others gasped in shock.

"There is no point to continue fighting you. Just say 'I give up'" The Mummy said as he stood near Yamcha with a smirk on his face while the ex-bandit groaned in pain. The teen even tho he was badly hurt didn't want to give up, so he did the only thing he could think of at the moment. He ignored the pain and with an enough force behind it, smacked the mummy's feet. The mummy never expected this and nor did Baba who with her eyes wide open watched as her fighter continued to fall towards the deadly liquid

"Yes, he did it! That guy's falling!" Yelled Bulma with a smile on her face as she watched the man in bandages fall right into the deadly liquid. Both she and Puar watched with relief as the mummy continued to fall and were already ready to celebrate, but it seemed like they were mistaken. Yamcha watched his opponent fall down with a sad expression on his face because he knew what would happen if someone falls in there, but then it was when he noticed a smirk on Mummy's face

"You won't get rid of me that easily, boy!" Shouted the Mummy when suddenly the bandages from his left hand started to move. Yamcha and the others were shocked when they saw the bandages reaching and bind around the devil tongue. The mummy quickly pulled himself up and was once again standing on the devil tongue with a smirk on his face "Ready for some payback!?"He announced and before Yamcha could even move into his fighting pose, he was attacked. The Mummy hit him with a strong uppercut which was followed by a knee in the gut. Yamcha was out of air, but Mummy didn't intend to stop there, he smacked the ex-bandit in the head after which he caught him by the throat and pulled in the air

"Are you ready to finally give up?" Asked the Mummy who didn't want to waste any more of his time with Yamcha. He shook, but only to receive a grunt and an angry look from Yamcha who didn't want to give up but... "Or do you want me to just drop you down there?" he didn't have any other choice. It was painful but he still wanted to live

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