"The wind is too strong. I can't control it!" Yelled Yamcha who had trouble with piloting the jet. He nervously sweated when he saw that they were flying right in the storms path

"Aaah, the jet is going dow! WE ARE DEAD FOR SURE!" Cried Krillin who almost wet his pants. They were sure that they are going to crash and die, but only after few seconds, they noticed that they were still in the air and that Goku was laughing at them. When Bulma saw how Goku was laughing at them she was angry. She opened the window and started to yell at Goku


"But you didn't because my dad saved you" He spoke with a smile on his face and with his eyes closed as he pointed at Bardock who was under the jet. Bulma mumbled something still angry at Goku for laughing at them, but then she looked down and saw that Bardock was indeed holding the jet

"Thank you Bardock, you saved us"

"It's nothing, now sit in there and hang on to something because we are going to move fast" Warned the scar-faced saiyan after which he glanced at Goku "Oh son, do you think your little cloud can keep up with me?" Bardock had a smirk on his face as he gave the little challenge to Goku

"You bet" Goku nodded and without any second thought accepted the challenge "Faster Nimbus!" He yelled to the cloud which immediately speed up and left Bardock behind with the jet on his back

"Not bad for a cloud I guess, now for me to speed up" Bardock powered up to the point when his blue aura appeared around him. He caught up with Goku in only five seconds and passed him. Goku was once again surprised by his father abilities, which made him happy that he discovered that he has a father like that. In no time, Bardock landed with the jet and carefully placed it on the ground, right in front of Baba's place. After he put dow the jet, the saiyan went to explore the area and find out where this Baba is. Meanwhile, everybody walked out from the jet when Goku arrived

"Unbelievable, that was so fast right Master?" Said Krillin who never imagined that a living person could be faster than a flying jet

"Indeed my boy, this man is in a league of his own" The old master Roshi couldn't agree more with what his little pupil said. He had heard of flying abilities before, but this, this was something else. This caused Roshi to wonder two things; how strong the saiyan really was and how powerful Goku could really become. Thinking that made him sweat a little bit, but he snapped out of that when he heard Krillin talking to him

"You think we can be anywhere near as strong like him one day, master?" Asked Krillin once again to his master. He really wanted to grow strong like Bardock was, but he had some doubts regarding that

"Who knows, maybe you could if you don't slack in your training, boy!" All of them turned around when they heard the voice which belonged to the saiyan

"So, did you find that Baba character in there?" Bulma asked as the saiyan walked towards them. The saiyan denied as he shook his head and explained

"No, but I found some pink ghost or something like that. It told me to wait here" As soon he finished explaining the same pink ghost appeared behind him

"Hello everyone, you can now come inside and see Baba. Come on" The group went inside and walked through a tunnel until they find themselves in some kind of living room. They stood there for a minute until an old woman appeared riding on a crystal ball

"So you are Baba?" The blue haired Bulma asked the question even tho it was quite obvious that it was here, but she just wanted to be sure

"Yes I'm, what do you want now?" The elderly woman responded and asked them a question with a hint of annoyance in her voice

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