Sam Winchester x Male Reader The Friend Part 5

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Unfortunately, the wicked do not rest. It just happened so fast. In a mere moment time stopped and the wicked came, and the wicked stole. Gabriel killed Sol's demon scout in mere moments of it arriving but that was just a distraction.
"Where are we going?" Sam helped (y/n) pack up the truck but in the heat of the moment (y/n) wasn't focusing.
"To get us to safety." There foreheads touched for a moment, (y/n) rested his hand on Sam's neck. But good things don't last in the supernatural world. Sam finished packing the truck and for just a moment (y/n) turned his back.
"Their lives for his, fair deal don't you think?" By the time the world had restarted, Gabriel was half dead, coughing up blood, his eyes lost their golden touch. Balthazar was hanging from a wall, two blades nailed his wings to the wall. Dean had passed out from the pain, his shoulder had been dislocated, his leg was torn to shreds. But (y/n) was left untarnished. That was the least of his worries. Sam was gone.
"Gabriel! Dean! Baltha-. Shit!" (Y/n) ran to the Angel dying on the wall, slowly pulling the nails from his wings. The smell was rotten, the blood had covered his hands and arms. When the nails had been removed, Balthazar slumped on (y/n) using him as support until his grace kicked in. Together they found Gabriel, barely conscious and holding his insides in with the cloth of his jacket. There was a point in which even an archangel could no longer heal themselves, Balthazar stretched to his limits and kick started Gabriel's grace. So he too began to slowly heal. Dean was another story, he was laying on his side completely unconscious. With enough energy left Balthazar healed him in seconds. He took a huge gulp of fresh air whilst scanning the room for his missing brother.
"Where's Sam?" (Y/n) didn't answer, he walked outside there bunker and sat against the brick wall.
"Where's Sammy?" Gabriel gripped his brothers shoulder tightly and he to walked away but in search of a friend.
"I'm sorry Dean," he began slowly helping Dean to his feet, "but Sol's taken him. The last thing and the only thing he said to (y/n) was his life would be taken for theirs." It was in that moment things became real. This fight, this whatever the hell it is became very real. Deep down inside himself he hoped Sam would die quickly but something told him, it would be months of torture before he would be broken and killed.
"We have to leave," Balthazar helped Dean, as his leg was not yet fully healed, to the door, "don't worry we'll call Cas and a few other loyal Angels and find your brother." For Dean this was not reassuring.
"Will you?" Was the last thing Dean said to him before climbing into the Impala and waiting for Gabriel to bring (y/n) out from the darkness he drove himself into.
"Why couldn't he have taken me." (Y/n) sighed, tears fell down his cheeks. Gabriel having played, fought and suffered with the man, had never seen him cry. Sam meant the world to him, as friend, as a best friend, and as a lover.
"Well kiddo, we're not gonna find him sitting against a wall doing jack squat." The archangel hopped to his feet and pulled the hunter to his feet.
Dean watched the two reappear from the side of the house and as it was the first time he had seen him without his mask on, the scar didn't bother him, his red puffy eyes, raw cheeks, that's what bothered him. And if (y/n) was like this, he dread to think what Sam would be like. In all honesty this is the greatest test Sam will face, at least one of the greatest.
The metal cuffs holding his wrists up high began to cut into his skin allowing the blood to trickle down his arms and spine. He was young and tough but he only had so much time before he would bleed out.
"Before the light of the sun first shinned upon this blue marvel, the shadows ruled. But you can't hide from shadows, there everywhere, they follow you when you least expect it, and strike when no ones watching. You, Samuel, can't hide from the shadows neither can your friends, because they work for me. So many things have betrayed you. And now there's no place safe on heaven, earth or in hell for you and your friends to hide. I'm going to give you a front row seat, you can watch as innocence turns to evil and rips your friends apart. I'm going to give you a front row seat in watching your friends murder each other, and you're going to help."
"Why should I help you?" Sol walked closer to Sam and forced him to look at him, by gripping his jaw until the nails were cutting the skin.
"Because by the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging for it." Sol let out a menacing laugh like any super villain would, but Sam, he had hope. It was a small flame but it was still burning. Sol had left the Winchester alone in a damp, cold cell.
"(Y/n)..." The name of his lover uttered from his lips, again, and again until he could no longer keep his eyes open. Little did he know, the soft murmur echoed in (y/n)'s ear.
"Hold on, the wicked will rest." Sam heard in return.

~ To be continued

Sam Winchester X Male Reader The FriendWhere stories live. Discover now