chapter 15 suprise

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Tal p.o.v.

I woke up and Raven was still sleeping I i layed there until she woke up.

Tal - good morning baby are you feeling better

Raven - yeah it's just I love you so much and I don't want to lose you

Tal - I know I love you to bit I need to tell you something

Raven - what is it you can tell me anything

Tal - well yesterday I was calling Ashly for Adi and she wanted me to come over and have sex with her

Raven - what did you say

Tal - I said no because I'm a married man

Raven - it Really makes me pissed about Ashly but you said no so that's a good thing because you love me and if she says it again I will fuck her up

Tal - well if she ever calls back I'll let her know you said that

Raven - see I know I found myself a good man who I'll be with forever

Tal - I love you to and I don't want to lose you and I know you don't want to lose me

Raven - yeah hopefully it will stay that way

Tal - I promise it will

Tal p.o.v.

I get up and go down into the living room and I saw Adi sitting on the couch

Tal - where in the hell did you go

Adi - I only went to a bar had a couple drinks and went to a hotel

Tal - and you dint call I was worried about you and I needed my car

Adi - well sorry I won't do it again

Tal - yesterday your ex slutty girlfriend called and wanted me to have sex with her

Adi - that bitch

Tal - yeah you need to move out though

Adi - what why

Tal - because I don't want to worry for you go back and live with mom

Adi - fine I will

Tal p.o.v.

He grabbed his bags and he didn't have a car so he took the bus.

Raven - what was all that yelling about

Tal - I'm sorry my brother and I got into a fight

Raven - is everything ok

Tal - yeah it is now but I want you to go back to bed

Raven - why

Tal - because I'm worried for you you were really upset yesterday

Raven - ok are you coming

Tal - yeah I'll be up soon

Tal p.o.v.

I decided that I was going to make some eggs for Raven to give her some protein she's probably tired so I'll make her some coffee. I took some eggs cracked them and put them in the pan then as they were frying I started to make the coffee. After everything was done I put all of it on a plate then set the plate on a tray. I walked to the bedroom and she wasn't there. So I set the Trey down on the stand.

Tal - Raven

Raven - I'm in here

Tal p.o.v.

She was in the bathroom

Tal - I set your food out here

Raven - ok thanks

Tal p.o.v.

I sit on the bed and I grab the TV remote then I here a gagging sound. Realizing Raven was sick.

Tal - are you ok

Raven - yeah just not feeling good

Tal - well do you need anything

Raven - can you get me a cup of water

Tal - yeah

Tal p.o.v.

I ran to the cabinet and grabbed a glass and filled it half way with way. Then i went back up and she was walking out of the bathroom she looked fine.

Tal - ok here's your water now go dit on the bed and eat

Raven - thanks baby

Raven p.o.v.

I sat over on the bed and drank some water. After the water was gone I started to eat the eggs and drink the coffee. After I'm done tal takes the tray to the sink. Then he come back up and layed beside me.

Tal p.o.v.

Raven is laying there I cover her up then I get in next to her and pulled her in close. She was ice cold her arms making my arms cold.

Tal - are you ok

Raven - yeah just a little cold

Tal p.o.v.

I get up and get another blanket and put it on her then I get back in I make sure she's wrapped in the blanket so she can get warmer. Then i try to keep her close to me so I can hold her so she can get warmer.

Raven - I'm fine you don't have to stay with me

Tal - no your not you cold and sick and I dint stay because you I stayed because I wanted to

Raven - aww my stomach hurts I think I might puke again

Tal - don't worry I'll help you to the bathroom.

Tal p.o.v.

I got up then lifted her up and helped her to the bathroom. She sat on the floor and I held her hair back.

Tal - it's ok see I told you you were sick

Raven - no I'm fine I just don't feel good

Tal p.o.v.

I put her hair in a ponytail while I go get the thermometer. When I got back she was still there I hold it up to her head until it beeps. Her temperature is fine but she's ice cold and your puking. Maby she just needs some medicine. I go to the medicine cabinet and grab a medicine that supposed to make your stomach not hurt so maby she won't be sick.

Tal - here take some of this

Raven - ok

Raven p.o.v.

About 5 minutes later I Started to feel better where I might be able to get up and go lay down. I turn on the TV as tal sits beside me to watch me. Thats when it hit me my heart sank to my stomach.

Tal - are you ok you look a little pale

Raven - yeah it's just....

Tal - just what

Raven - I dont know how to put it

Tal - come on you can tell me anything

Raven - I'm....

Tal - your what

Raven - I'm pregnant

To be continued

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