chapter 7 arts and crafts

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Tal's p.o.v.

I woke up to the sound of Raven dropping stuff on the floor. I turn over and there's ribbons,lace,flowers and cloth on the floor.

Tal - what are you doing

Raven - I found a way to save money by making my own wedding dress and your tux

Tal - how do you know how to make stuff like that

Raven - when I was in highschool I took classes on designing and sewing now get up and get dressed I need to measure you

Tal - OK I'll be ready soon

Raven's p.o.v.

I grabbed the black and white cloth. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a big red rose to put on it. I looked in the closet and found a black tie to go with the suit. Tal walked over and I measured his pants and arms then his chest and back. He already had a pair of black shoes that will go with it. I took the black cloth and wrapped it around him and cut it. Then tal went downstairs to got make breakfast. I took a look at his clothes and compared it to the cloth. I made sure the cloth was  big so I could cut it down. I cut his pants and cut out another one that matched. I put the two pieces together and took the sewing machine and started to sew it up. After I was done I flipped it inside out. Then I took a silver zipper and the line and put it in the pants. When I was done with the pants I hung them up in the closet so they wouldn't get ruined.

Tal - breakfast is ready

Raven - coming

Raven's p.o.v.

I moved all the stuff out of the way and walked down stairs and sat at the table. Tal walked over and sat a plate in front of me he made bacon,eggs, and toast.

Raven - so far I finished the pants do you want to try them on

Tal - I'll try everything on when your complete

Raven - well you can't see me in my wedding dress because you know it's bad luck

Tal - well then I'll just have to wait to see it on the special day

Raven - but I can see you in you tux well I have to to make sure it fits right

Tal - the night I asked you to marry me I did give you a ring so why did you say yes

Raven - because I don't care about a ring I only care about you and I love you

Tal - I love you to thats why I got you this (pulls out a ring ) it's blue I customized it myself to make it the color of your eyes 💍

Raven - thank you so much I love it and it also reminds me of you beautiful blue eyes it's the color of both our eyes

Tal - your so cute when your happy

Raven - (smiles) well I'll do the dishes

Tal - oh no your not

Raven's p.o.v.

Tal comes over lifts me up and starts running up the steps

Raven - put me down

Tal - OK

Raven's p.o.v.

He sets me down on the bed and climbs on top of me

Raven - no I need to finish the outfits (laughing)

Tal - fine I'll let you up if you give me a kiss

Raven - fine 💏

Raven - OK now let me up

Tal (climbs off of me)

Raven - thank-you

Raven's p.o.v.

I sit back down on the floor and take the shirt piece and measure it. I cut it and sew it and flip it inside out I take the white shirt I made and put a hole in the top corner and put the rose in it. Then I hung it up next to the pants. That should be enough for tonight. I cleaned up everything and got in the shower. After I got out I put on a bra underwear and a long shirt. Then I got in bed beside tal. He rolled over and grabbed me to pull me over to the other side of him. He held me in close to him and we stared at each other and just talked.

Tal - I know you love me but we've been dating for 3 months now and are you sure you want to get married

Raven - yes and what kind of question is that are you having second thoughts

Tal - no calm down baby it's just I don't want you to regret this

Raven - I wont I love you and nobody else your my one and only your my soulmate

Tal - your my soulmate this is why I love you and I felt like I knew you my whole life

Raven - I feel the same way about you

Tal - goodnight love you baby

Raven - love you to

Tal - I'll never feel the same for anyone else

Raven - me either

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